Employee Recruitment and Management

Anti-Bullying Policy

Anti-Discrimination and EEO Policy

Complaints and Grievances Policy and Procedure. Information on handling grievances at MLI, including how to make a complaint, how to deal with a complaint / grievance, and how to support others through the grievance process.

Delegations and Approvals Policy. Sets out the authority limits for entering into agreements and commitments, and for appropriating goods and services in the course of conducting MLi’s business. Includes a Delegations Matrix.

Employee Induction Policy. Guidance to ensure that all new employees are appropriately inducted into the organisation. Includes an Induction Checklist and Induction Kit [note the kit is currently only a list, templates/content to be developed].

Misconduct and Unsatisfactory Performance Policy.

Performance Review Policy.

Private Vehicle Use Policy and Procedure. Governs the use of employees’ private vehicles for authorised MLi business, and the procedures to claim reimbursement for such use.

Staff Reimbursement Policy.

Staff Recruitment Policy.

Financial Operations

Auspicing Agreement. A template agreement to be used when MLi acts as the auspicing organisation for a project to be completed by another organisation.

Ethical Fundraising Policy. Identifies MLi’s position on fundraising practice, and documents the standards expected in raising funds from the community.

Financial Management Policy. Designed to ensure that an appropriate system of financial management and internal controls are in place, complied with and maintained at MLi. Includes a Financial Reporting Calendar.

Partnership Agreement. A template agreement to be used to confirm project management arrangements and identify roles and responsibilities of partners.

Sponsorship Policy.

Operational Compliance

Confidentiality Policy and Procedure. Provides a framework for MLi in dealing with confidentiality considerations. Includes a Confidentiality Agreement template.

Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedure. Helps MLi Committee Members to effectively identify, disclose and manage any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest in order to protect the integrity of MLi and manage risk.

Legislative Compliance Policy. Includes a Compliance Register and template for monthly EO Report to the Board.

Privacy Policy and Procedure. Designed to ensure that MLi staff, members and volunteers comply with and observe the statutory requirements of the Privacy Act 1988.

Risk Management Policy.

Strategic Planning Procedure. Process, timing and responsibilities for development and review of MLi’s Strategic Plan.

Communications and Representation

Code of Conduct. Outlines the standards of conduct that are expected of all staff, volunteers and Executive Committee members of MLi. The Code aims to foster and maintain public trust and confidence in the integrity and professionalism of MLi, and enhance the reputation of the organisation.

Communications Policy and Procedure. Provides overarching guidance to all MLi communications activities, to maximise the advantages of media presentation and minimise the risks of media misrepresentation. Includes a Communication Plan template.

Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure. The process for reaching a prompt and fair resolution of any disputes, conflicts or disagreements that may arise, and that may threaten the functioning of the Board.

Negotiation Policy and Procedure. Encourages MLi Board members and staff to undertake negotiations in a fair and transparent manner, with appropriate authority to act on behalf of MLi. Includes a Negotiation Plan template.

Networking Policy. Includes a Networking Event Report template.

Social Media Policy. Applies to the use of social media by MLi staff, volunteers, contractors and committee members, covering both official and private use.

Workplace Health and Safety

Workplace Health and Safety Policy and Procedure. [prepared by Anne Duncan]. Includes Accident or Injury Report form, Emergency Response Plan, Incident and Near-Miss Report form, Office Assessment form, Project Risk Assessment form, Register of Injuries, Serious Incident Investigation Report, and Site or Event Risk Assessment form.