Eastern Riverina Landcare Group

Eastern Riverina Landcare Group (ERLG) is a grass-roots, non-profit, umbrella organisation representing Landcare, landholders and the wider community in the eastern Riverina. It includes: Alma Park, Burrandana, Collingullie, Gelston Park, Henty, Lockhart, Mangoplah, Pleasant Hills, Pulletop, The Rock, Uranquinty and Yerong Creek.

Its aim is to play a lead role in protecting, enhancing and promoting sustainable land use in the Eastern Riverina.

ERLG was formed in 2017 after the decline of an association of several smaller, individual locality-based Landcare groups. It aims to continue and augment the work done by these previous groups. Feel welcome to browse through our “Activities” tab to see our achievements and current projects.

Natural resources in the Eastern Riverina

The Eastern Riverina is a predominantly flat to undulating rural landscape with extensive grazing and broadacre cropping.

The main natural resource issues affecting the region include:

  • Land degradation, especially erosion, dryland salinity and declining soil quality, especially soil structural breakdown;
  • Weed invasion from both pasture-based and environmental weeds;
  • Decline in native flora and fauna, including loss of genetic and species diversity, and lack of connected natural environments;
  • Feral pest invasion, resulting in the loss of localised native flora and fauna populations; and
  • Climate change.

Strategic overview

Vision – To engage our local community, especially landholders, to manage land sustainably and to build resilience into the future.

Mission – To promote Landcare as a way of achieving a sustainable community.

Values – Respect, inclusiveness, integrity and responsible corporate governance.

Objectives –

  1. Facilitate on-ground projects
  2. Operate in an organised and strategic manner
  3. Encourage wide community involvement in Landcare
  4. Encourage and support our future Landcare leaders
  5. Build strategic partnerships with other organisations with similar and compatible vision and missions.

Objective 1 – Facilitate on-ground projects

Our actions to achieve this objective are to:

  • Identify local natural resource issues that are constraining sustainable land use, identify and promote solutions and management;
  • Work with other groups with similar aims and objectives to co-ordinate cross-catchment projects; and
  • Promote awareness of the sustainable use of natural resources in our area.

The outcomes we wish to achieve are:

  • Sustainable land use;
  • Improved biodiversity and resilience in the face of climate change; and
  • Identification and remediation of environmental issues, so the environment becomes an asset for the community.

Objective 2 – Operate in an organised and strategic manner

Our actions to achieve this objective are to:

  • Review the Strategic Plan at least once per year;
  • Maintain a committee structure and membership that is appropriate to the needs of the community and ERLG;
  • Operate the committee in a manner consistent with the principles of an incorporated entity and in line with our vision;
  • Develop a framework for managing future ERLG projects; and
  • Develop an action plan in consultation with the Local Landcare Coordinator.

The outcomes we wish to achieve are:

  • A transparent, ethical, effective and accountable operation;
  • A long term focus consistent with our vision;
  • To complete our projects on time and within budget; and
  • To monitor our results and promote of our achievements.

Objective 3 – Encourage wide community involvement in Landcare

Our actions to achieve this objective are:

  • Promote the benefits of Landcare;
  • Use appropriate media avenues to advertise, inform and market Landcare issues and activities;
  • Work with educational institutions to encourage participation of students in Landcare activities; and
  • Invite other community groups, organisations and individuals to be involved in the work of ERLG.

The outcomes we wish to achieve are:

  • Increased number of people involved in Landcare and implementing sustainable land use;
  • Promotion of a modern image of Landcare, educating the community that Landcare is the broad concept of sustainable land use;
  • Involvement of people from outside the current Landcare group; and
  • Collaboration with educational organisations.

Objective 4 – Encourage and support our future Landcare leaders

Our actions to achieve this objective are:

  • Identify potential leaders and educators to encourage their involvement in Landcare projects;
  • Identify and facilitate training in leadership skills and knowledge appropriate to Landcare activities; and
  • Allocate and share tasks amongst potential leaders.

The outcomes we wish to achieve are:

  • Development of a succession plan for the future;
  • Development of a network of people participating in leadership and educational roles at all levels within the ERLG; and
  • Support of potential ERLG leaders and educators to develop their knowledge and skills.

Objective 5 – Build strategic partnerships with other organisations with similar and compatible visions

Our actions to achieve this objective are to:

  • Identify and collaborate with our strategic partners

The outcomes we wish to achieve are:

  • Facilitation of access to information, funding and other resources;
  • Development of an effective, active working relationship with our strategic partners; and
  • Improved coordination of cross-catchment projects.

Despite the many challenges of 2020-1 we are proud to have achieved the following in the last few years:

* Farm Plastic Wrap Recycling (project extended to June 2021)

* Revegetation Field Day at Henty / Pleasant Hills

* Regular seasonal engagement with BirdLife Australia’s ‘Birds on Farms’ surveys

* Annual monitoring of endangered squirrel gliders in nestboxes at a local nature reserve

* Annual involvement with the Landcare shed display at the Henty Machinery Field Days

* Removal of over 7km barbed wire fencing on local farms and replacement with plain wire for endangered squirrel gliders

* Revegetation Case Study

* Installation of seating and signage at Five Ways Reserve (with funding assistance from a NSW Government grant)

* Printing and distribution of Mental Health beer coasters to licensed premises within the eastern Riverina.

* Three of our members succeeded in obtaining Local  Land Services funding for revegetation corridors on their farms.

For further information on any of these achievements, enjoy browsing through the three case studies below, or feel welcome to contact the Secretary.

One of our current activities is collecting and recycling farm plastic waste in Lockhart Shire. Silage wrap and polypropylene twine can be recycled and made into useful products rather than lying around the farm as litter, or worse, being burnt.

On-Farm Plastic Waste Collection Program

Eastern Riverina Landcare Group is offering a FREE on-farm plastics recycling program at each of Lockhart Shire’s Waste Disposal Centres during normal opening hours.

What items ARE accepted?
* Silage Film, Bunker Plastic, Grain Bags
* Now accepting Twine (must be bagged separately)

What is NOT accepted?
* Tarpaulins, Bulka Bags, Silage Mesh
* Poly pipe

How does it work? It’s simple!
1. Pick up your FREE bags* from the following collection points – Lockhart Waste Disposal Centre, Delta Ag (Lockhart, Henty & Yerong Creek) or through Eastern Riverina Landcare Group on secretary@erlg.org.au
2. Sort your plastics (make sure they are free from contaminants such as soil, rocks, metal and small furry animals).
3. Bag your plastics and secure with a cable tie
4. Take to your nearest waste disposal centre and place into the designated skip

*NOTE: Un-bagged waste will not be accepted.

For more information contact John Holstein at secretary(at)erlg(dot)org(dot)au . Just replace the words in brackets with the relevant symbols and there are no spaces.

This project is brought to you by Eastern Riverina Landcare Group with assistance from Lockhart Shire Council and funding from the Australian Government Communities Environment Program

You are invited to become a member today!

Having active members helps us to demonstrate community support and attract funding for projects of interest to our members. The cost of annual membership continues at $25.00 per person (or property) to help cover our insurance costs. We hope you feel this is still good value for money.


Some of the benefits of being a member include:

  • Access to group funding opportunities, to assist with works on your property;
  • Invitations to attend and learn at Landcare field days, workshops and social events;
  • Opportunities to join with your neighbours to share knowledge and ideas, and work together to improve the sustainability and production capacity of your property; and
  • The chance to help out with projects in your local area, and make a real difference to our community.

Become a member!

Membership costs $25 per year, per property. To become a member, please complete the form below, and pay by:

Bank transfer:

BSB – 325 185

Acct – 0366 2442

Ref – Your name (please, so we know who has paid)

If you are new member paying by bank transfer, please send the the secretary your email address so we can keep in touch with you via the (e-)mailing list. We can send you news of upcoming events, meetings and minutes, and grant opportunities for funding sustainable land use projects on your farm.

Feel welcome to contact the secretary via: secretary (at) erlg (dot) org (dot) au

So we know you’re a real person (Hi!),  simply replace the words in brackets with the relevant symbols and there are no spaces.


Your details


Your interests



Chair – David Leah

Vice-Chair – John Holstein

Secretary – Sandra Doughty

Treasurer – Sandra Doughty

Feel welcome to contact us via: secretary (at) erlg (dot) org (dot) au

So we know you’re a real person (Hi!),  simply replace the words in brackets with the relevant symbols and there are no spaces.

Meetings are held bi-monthly, usually on Monday evenings, with the location circulating across the region. All community members are welcome to attend our meetings. If you are interested in coming along, please contact the secretary to confirm the details of the next meeting.

PROGRAZE® Sustainable Grazing Management program

Invitation to join one of two new producer groups in the Eastern and Central Riverina districts Do you want more profitable and sustainable grazing systems? To achieve this, you need new skills and knowledge of the interaction between pastures and grazing livestock. Producers can do this through PROGRAZE® a recognised, industry-leading training course based on…

Case Study LP10 – Sparking a new partnership

One simple theme which has come up again and again when we ask Landcare members about their training interests is the desire to learn basic skills they can use on their property – such as welding. Knowing that the local Tafe ran welding courses, we decided to contact them and see whether we could arrange…

Farm revegetation at Henty-Pleasant Hills

Eastern Riverina Landcare Group members Steven and Cindy Scott have been revegetating their farm for over 20 years. Activities include: Protection of remnant native vegetation and paddock trees Creation of shelter belts and connected corridors Planting (both tubestock and direct seeding) of trees, grasses and understorey. The Scott’s now have an extensive network of connected…