Box Gum Woodland Protection

29 April 2024

Do you have Box Gum Grassy Woodlands on your farm?

Join us for a tailored workshop for farmers dedicated to protecting the critically endangered Box Gum Grassy Woodlands across our land.


What to expect:

You will be provided a comprehensive update of the various programs, initiatives, management strategies and funding avenues available at the moment.

We will walk though some remanent Box gum woodland. Mason will point out what makes this unique vegetation type so special, and we will talk about the best management techniques you should put in place to preserve this unique and fragile ecosystem.

Lunch and morning tea included!



  • Mason Crane - Biodiversity Conservation Trust, Ecologist
  • Jake Chandler - Property owner
  • Lakna Gunawardana - Local Land Services Officer
  • Dean Freeman - LLS Cultural Burning officer


Please remember: Enclosed shoes, hat and water


How to get there

“Tumbleton” 402 Bibaringa Rd, Wombat NSW 2587

Google maps will take you almost all the way there, but it falls a little short of the farm driveway.

Keep driving around 300m you will pass a intersection on your right the road name (Boundry Rd) keep driving straight around 300m and you will come across the farm grate (picture below).

402 Bibaringa Rd
Wombat, NSW 2587

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