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Supporting the Murrumbidgee River: A collaborative effort for habitat restoration

A Word from the Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (February 2025) As the Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator at Riverina Local Land Services, I’m incredibly excited to be part of the Murrumbidgee River Habitat Restoration Project. This initiative, led by Hay Landcare in partnership with OzFish Unlimited, Hay Shire Council, and ourselves, is a shining example of how collaborative…

Murrumbidgee Landcare is now on LinkedIn!

We are thrilled to join this professional network to connect with our community, share our initiatives, and promote sustainable practices in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Our mission is to support vibrant communities and enhance our natural landscapes through grassroots Landcare efforts. Follow us for updates on our projects, training opportunities, and ways you can get involved…

Creating sustainable country gardens workshop a success

A Word from the Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (December 2024) On November 9th, the Hutchinson family’s garden was transformed into a hub of knowledge and inspiration for the “Creating Sustainable Country Gardens” workshop in Hillston. Hosted by Sarah Curry of Majors Mulch, attendees were treated to a comprehensive overview of sustainable gardening practices, from understanding water…

Leigh and Annika attend Biodiversity Field Day at Wirraminna

On Thursday 31 October, Leigh Mathieson and Annika Colenso had the opportunity to attend the “Sowing the Seeds of Biodiversity” event at Wirraminna Environmental Education Centre in Burrumbuttock. The field day, led by Martin Driver of Plains Sense Vegetation Management, was designed to teach landholders effective techniques to improve grassy woodland groundcover. Participants were guided…

The carp conundrum in the Murrumbidgee

A Word from the SAF (November 2024) Greetings, Landcare enthusiasts! This month, I want to shed light on a pressing issue affecting our beloved Murrumbidgee River: the European Carp. These invasive fish wreak havoc on our aquatic ecosystems.   The carp’s impact Carp are voracious bottom feeders, churning up sediment and reducing water clarity. This…

Celebrating NAIDOC at Hay Public School

A Word from the SAF (October 2024) In celebration of NAIDOC Week and the theme “Keep the Fire Burning! Black, Loud and Proud,” the students at Hay Public School had a wonderful day learning about Aboriginal culture and creating a story book. The day began with Morning Assembly, featuring a Welcome to Country by Jamie…

Caring for Country workshop

Do you know the cultural heritage on your property? Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc, Muttama Creek Landcare and the Biodiversity Conservation Trust came together with local First Nations people and farmers in Coolac for an insightful Caring for Country afternoon. The workshop was led by local Wiradjuri man Peter Beath, alongside Aunty Sonni, farmer John Harpley, Nioka…

Piping in new ideas for the MLi tribe

We have all heard lately how belonging to a tribe is good for our mental health and our wellbeing. Also, that going out into nature is good for us. When you attend a NSW Landcare Gathering that is what it is like. You belong to a tribe of like-minded people. The conversation flows. You get…

We’re seeking EOIs for new board members

Passionate about the environment, sustainability and getting things done? Murrumbidgee Landcare is seeking Expressions of Interest for new board members.   Murrumbidgee Landcare is the Riverina’s most effective and longest running community environmental network, employing a team of 16 professional staff located throughout the entire catchment. Extending from Yass through to Hay, Murrumbidgee Landcare supports…

Plains-wanderer program takes flight

A Word from the SAF (August 2024) I’m thrilled to share some exciting news about a group of school students from Hay and their incredible efforts to protect the Plains-wanderer. This elusive bird, a true icon of our vast plains, is facing an uphill battle for survival. That’s why students from St Mary’s Primary School,…

Landcare Week 2024

Landcare Week (August 5-11), is an annual celebration of landcare during the first week of August that acknowledges the Australians who are actively restoring, enhancing and protecting the natural environment in their community. This year’s campaign theme is Landcare Is For Everyone (L.I.F.E) and we will be showcasing people across our community to inspire and encourage…

Native Seed Workshop Series in the Western Riverina: Planting the Seeds of Conservation

Murrumbidgee Landcare Incorporated are to host the Western Riverina Seed Workshop Series near Tabbita to explore the enchanting world of native species seed and regeneration.   A series of three seasonal workshops will be held in 2024 on Tabbita Lane, covering a broad range of topics around native vegetation. PlainSense Vegetation Management’s Ecologist Martin Driver…

Farming for a Cooler Future: reducing emissions on the land

A word from the SAF (June 2024) The agricultural industry plays a vital role in feeding the world, but it also contributes significantly to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As Climate Change becomes an increasingly pressing concern, farmers are finding themselves at a crossroad. This challenge presents an opportunity to innovate and transform our farming practices…

Insights from the SAF conference

|A word from the SAF (May 2024) As your Riverina Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator, I recently had the opportunity to attend the Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (SAF) Conference in Canberra. This year’s event was packed with valuable information on innovative practices, national policy initiatives, and the crucial role of Indigenous knowledge in building a more sustainable agricultural…

Empowering women in agriculture: Insights from the ‘Women of the Riverina’ Forum

A Word from the SAF (April 2024) The agricultural landscape has long been perceived as a male-dominated domain, but the “Women of the Riverina” Forum held at Hay Services Club shattered stereotypes and showcased the significant contributions of women in this industry. Over two inspiring days, women from across the Riverina region gathered to share…

Sighting of wombats in Hay raises questions

Residents of Hay, New South Wales, have been stunned by the recent sightings of wombats in the area. These marsupials are typically native to southeastern Australia, and their presence in Hay has left many curious about their sudden appearance. Specifically, two sightings have been reported in the region: the first on the property ‘Bowen,’ located…

Conserving the Black Falcon

A Word from the SAF (March 2024) The Black Falcon (Falco subniger) is a striking large raptor found in the Riverina region of New South Wales. Distinguished by its dark plumage, white chin, and pale barring under the wings and tail, the Black Falcon possesses a light, quick flapping style, contrasting with the hovering behavior…

Nurturing our native vegetation: A call to action

A Word from the RALF (February 2024) Australia’s unique native vegetation faces many challenges that demand our attention. Let’s delve into the critical threats affecting our precious flora and look at actionable steps for each challenge.   Clearing, degradation and fragmentation Take action: Maintain and improve remnant vegetation Prioritise the enhancement of existing remnant vegetation.…

Monitoring the Christmas Beetle population

A Word from the RALF (December 2023) The arrival of summer in the Riverina region of Australia is marked not just by rising temperatures but also by the dazzling appearance of Christmas Beetles. These metallic wonders grace the landscape with their vibrant hues and fascinating behaviours.   What are Christmas Beetles? Christmas Beetles are a…

Country Women’s Association – Virtual Branch

Did you know the Country Women’s Association (CWA) has a Virtual Branch? This is a great option for women who are unable to get to in-person meetings at a local branch, due to isolation or other commitments.   Branch Meetings The Virtual branch meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm, via Zoom. …

Seed collection workshops nurture green thumbs in Young

In a bid to cultivate a deeper connection between the community and the environment, Murrumbidgee Landcare recently hosted two insightful seed collection workshops in the Bidgee north region, on November 13 2023 in Young. The workshops aimed to educate both children and adults about the significance of seed collection for our environment and ecosystems. Tom…

Join the buzz! Participate in Australia’s Pollinator Count

A Word from the RALF (November 2023) Ready to get up close and personal with Australia’s pollinators? The Australian Pollinator Count is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about these essential creatures and become a part of the citizen science movement. In this article, we’ll explore what the Pollinator Count is, why it’s important, and…

Reflections on “Positive Planning for Dry Times”

Sixty proactive farmers gathered at ‘Allendale’, Boorowa on 24th October 2023, to grapple with the idea of getting ahead of the impending dry season and hearing about the experiences of the Marsh family over the fifty percent of below average rainfall years since 1999, when they adopted the principles of Holistic Management. This day came…

Bushfire preparedness: Protecting your farm and livestock

A Word from the RALF (October 2023) As we approach the end of the year, many of us are busy planning holidays with loved ones. However, for landholders, this season also brings the ever-present concern of bushfires. It’s crucial to ensure that your farm is fire-ready, as being fully prepared can help protect not only…

Tree planting at ‘Oakville’

A Word from the RALF (September 2023) On July 18 2023, Hay Landcare and Riverina Local Land Services collaborated on a tree planting workshop hosted at the property of Marg and Colin Bull, known as ‘Oakville.’ The focus of this workshop revolved around the remarkable habitat corridors established by Marg and Colin across their property,…

Platy-project colouring in

Download and colour in our special platypus picture – then show your friends and help raise awareness! Platy-project colouring in

Embracing Aboriginal culture and traditions at Hay Public School

A Word from the RALF (August 2023) On the bright and sunny morning of Thursday 27th July, Hay Public School came alive with vibrant colours, laughter, and an air of excitement as students gathered to celebrate NAIDOC Day. NAIDOC, which stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee, is a significant celebration in Australia…

Plains Wanderer school program

A Word from the RALF (July 2023) I am thrilled to share some exciting news from a recent educational initiative involving students from Hay, NSW. These enthusiastic young individuals have been actively learning about the critical efforts being made to save the Plains-wanderer, a bird species on the brink of extinction. The journey began with…

Educating the next generation of Landcarers

A Word from the RALF (June 2023) Environmental education in schools is becoming increasingly important throughout the Murrumbidgee region. Cultural gardens, yarning circles, native flora & fauna, biodiversity, and water conservation education are all becoming popular in schools. By instilling values and skills in students from a young age, Landcare are creating a generation of…

The value of healthy soil

A Word from the RALF (May 2023) Soil is one of the most important resources on our planet, yet it is often taken for granted. Soil is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, water and air, and plays a crucial role in supporting life on Earth. Healthy soil is essential for growing crops, sustaining…

MFN 2024 Environmental Grants

Close 1 May 2024 The Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists (MFN) are calling for applications for their 2024 Environmental Fund Grants. Grants of up to $5000.00 will be considered to assist with conservation in general, environmental education, increasing biodiversity or enhancing the understanding of the natural environment within the Murrumbidgee Valley. MFN are a local organisation with…

The Plains Wanderer

A Word from the RALF (April 2023) The Plains Wanderer is a small bird species that is native to Australia. These birds are highly specialised and unique, as they are the only representative of their family group in Australia. Unfortunately, the Plains Wanderer population has been declining rapidly due to habitat loss and fragmentation. The…

Seeds are the future

A word from the RALF (March 2023) Native seeds play a crucial role in preserving the biodiversity and ecological balance of our planet. They are vital for restoring degraded landscapes, improving soil fertility and providing habitat for wildlife. However, the process of collecting, cleaning, propagating and planting native seeds is often misunderstood or overlooked. This…

The Rapid Assessment Method (RAM) App

A word from the RALF (February 2023) What is RAM? RAM stands for Rapid Assessment and Monitoring Method. The development of the RAM is a joint project between Local Government NSW and Local Land Services, funded by the NSW Environmental Trust through their Linear Reserves Program. The RAM was developed to provide a simple approach…

Landcare grants available for landholders, schools and Landcare groups

A word from the RALF (November 2022) Landcare funding of up to $90,000 is now available for landholders, schools and Landcare groups in the Riverina region for the delivery of Landcare projects and programs.  Local Land Services is currently seeking video applications from landholders, schools and Landcare groups interested in applying for this funding. Senior…

Rare native plant discovered on Hay TSR

A word from the RALF (October 2022) A population of rare native yam daisies has been discovered on a travelling stock reserve (TSR) near Hay, with work underway from Riverina Local Land Services to protect the native plant.  These yam daisies, known as Micoseris walteri, produce edible tuberous roots and yellow flower heads, which look…

New role for Jade Auldist

A word from the RALF (September 2022) Jade Auldist has been recently appointed as Riverina Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator (RALF) with Riverina Local Land Services. With a passion for native vegetation and biodiversity, Jade relishes the opportunity to work in a field that supports Landholders, Landcare and Primary industry groups to deliver regional outcomes in…

The Bush Tucker Garden project

By Murrumbidgee Local Health District Health Promotion Team, in collaboration with Mark Saddler, Wiradjuri Man, and Ungarie Central School During NAIDOC Week 2022, Murrumbidgee Local Health District Health Promotion Team, in collaboration with Mark Saddler, Wiradjuri Man, and Ungarie Central School launched The Bush Tucker Garden Project. It is an opportunity for schools to Get…

Local Landcare welcomes nature reset

Editorial by Tina de Jong, Executive Officer, Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc Heard the news this week that the Australian environment is doomed? Wondering is that us, or other places like the Great Barrier Reef? The State of the Environment Report is a gigantic set of reports analysing the latest scientific information about all aspects of the…

PROGRAZE® Sustainable Grazing Management program

Invitation to join one of two new producer groups in the Eastern and Central Riverina districts Do you want more profitable and sustainable grazing systems? To achieve this, you need new skills and knowledge of the interaction between pastures and grazing livestock. Producers can do this through PROGRAZE® a recognised, industry-leading training course based on…

NSW Country Women in action

A word from the RALF (June 2022) Dougy, as the beloved Australasian Bittern is known, was adored by over 700 women from across the state who came by to visit him on the Agriculture and Environment stand at the 100 year Centenary Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW Conference this month.  Anna Wilson of Riverina…

Riverina innovator to trial cropping vertically

A word from the RALF (April 2022) Fran McLaughlin had an idea after her husband returned from working in remote areas of NSW with their rural earthmoving business. Fran’s husband alarmingly described the accessibility constraints of these remote areas accessing fresh produce delivered in terms of distance, for example.  ‘Feed the Bush’ idea was born.…

Beneath the dung hill

A word from the RALF (November 2021) Mention fossicking about in cow dung and dung beetles to those who are not familiar, and you may get a response of someone’s head slowly retracting back with full facial expressions of confusion and dismay. Dung. Yes, that’s right. Manure. Doo-doos. POO, as otherwise known globally in many…

Superb Parrots in the Riverina

2021 marks a significant milestone for the Saving Our Superb Parrot project. Over the past three years Greening Australia, its partners and private landholders have enhanced or restored 1,040 hectares of land to bolster Superb Parrot habitat by direct seeding over 100 kilos of native seed and planting 40,000 new trees and shrubs.  For landowners,…

Murrambidya Garrai Wirrimbirra Officer, Murrambidya Aboriginal Landcare Officer (Readvertised)

Full time (job share considered) Murrumbidgee catchment location Applications extended to 5pm on Friday 10th December 2021. A targeted Landcare Officer position is sought to support relationships with the regional First Nations community and Landcare. You will work with organisations, communities and land managers across the Murrumbidgee region to enable cultural practice on Country and…

Landcarers asked to report frog deaths in eastern Australia

Frog deaths in 2021 Since June 2021, people have been coming across sick and dead frogs in eastern Australia, all the way from Rockhampton down through eastern NSW and into Victoria. A number of species have been affected, including the Green Tree Frog and Peron’s Tree Frog. Initially, it was surmised that this was a result of…

Soil carbon: A snapshot

A word from the RALF (September 2021) The hype has been out there on reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂), filling media channels across the planet for a few decades now. It’s no secret that agriculture, particularly intensive, has been targeted as one of the contributing offenders to increasing CO₂ and reducing atmospheric carbon (C). It’s the…

Identification of native pasture species

This video was taken on a 400ha property in the Neville NSW area. This property is found on undulating country with a maximum elevation of 960m and a normal annual rainfall of 800mm. The main soil types found in the area are red earths, yellow earths, yellow soloths/yellow podzolic soil intergrades, and red and yellow…

Safety and emergencies on your small farm

Planning For Emergencies Bushfire Flood

Wildlife on your small farm

Attracting Wildlife and Creating a Biodiverse Garden Garden guide (Wodonga Urban Landcare Network). This guide provides a wealth of information on designing and creating a garden that provides valuable habitat for native animals. While it is based on species from the Albury-Wodonga region, much of the information it contains is relevant for our region. 64…

Livestock on your small farm

Cattle Beef cattle production: Managing a small beef herd (Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority). This factsheet covers many of the basic management and infrastructure requirements to establish a small beef herd on your property. 2 pages. Download here. Beef calendar of operations (South East Local Land Services). This calendar has helpful tips and…

Pastures and grazing on your small farm

Pasture Management Pasture establishment and management (NSW Department of Primary Industries). These webpages cover many topics related to pasture establishment and management, including grazing management, production management, soils, fertilisers & manures, weed control, pests & diseases, groundcover, and drought, fires & floods. The information is all based on research by NSW DPI and others, so…

Weeds and pests on your small farm

Farm Biosecurity Building biosecurity for small farms: A small farms network guide (NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment). This guide describes the importance of biosecurity for livestock producers on small farms, with detail on potential biosecurity issues such as: the movement of people, vehicles & equipment on or off your property; managing inputs such…

Revegetation and Regeneration at “Oakville”

In July 2021, Hay Plains Landcare hosted the third day in a series of four Seasons of Seed workshops: Direct seeding and planting, at Oakville, Conargo. This workshop allowed participants to observe the benefits of native vegetation and habitat corridors for production and conservation. Participants learnt the different methods of direct seeding and planting, with…

Dams and waterways on your small farm

Managing a dam on your small farm Farm dams can do more than just provide water for your livestock – a well managed dam can provide excellent habitat for a range of native species, creating a beautiful, biodiverse area on your property. This short video features two farmers discussing what they have done, and what…

Sustainable agriculture: What does that mean?

A word from the RALF (August 2021) The Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF) role supports farmers, industry and community groups (including Landcare Groups) to adopt new and innovative sustainable agriculture practices. Pivoting around it all is the focus on the words ‘sustainable agriculture’.  The question that could be pinned up is ‘What does sustainable agriculture…

Landcare Community Group – Runner up

Grong Grong Earth Park The Grong Grong Earth Park comprises an open and free community garden, free camping zone, upcycled playground, eco fort and native plantings all of which have the underlying ethos of  Grow, Gather, Give. For more information head to their website. It all started In 2013 with a group of Grong Grong…

Landcare Community Group Champion

Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists MFN has been operating for 26 years as a volunteer organisation to facilitate and promote the knowledge of natural history, and to encourage the preservation and protection of the Australian natural environment, particularly in the Murrumbidgee River Valley. Visit the Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Inc Facebook page here. It all started in 1994…..…

Wildflower Walk guide

If you are out walking and enjoying the local flora during Spring, you may like to take this handy along with you. The two-page document, produced by Narrandera Landcare, contains photos of many of the common species flowering at this time of year. It also includes QR codes, which open links to give more information…

Soils on your small farm

Soil Health and Management Soil Mapping and Classification Soil Testing

Bringing back the bunyip bird – Australasian Bittern Conservation Summit 2022

1 to 4 February 2022 Save the date for this special event, to be held at the Historic Hydro, Leeton. Hosted by Riverina Local Land Services, this summit is a unique opportunity to connect with scientists, conservationists, wetland managers, birdwatchers and farmers who share a passion about the iconic Australasian Bittern. It is the first…

Partnerships for Landcare Champion

Local Land Services (Riverina) – Boosting the Bunyip Bird Yield Project The Riverina is home to the largest population of Australasian Bitterns in the world. The male Australasian Bittern makes an eerie deep booming sound in early summer and it’s this sound that is thought to have given rise to the legend of the Bunyip…

Planning your small farm

Whole Farm Planning FarmPlan21 Manual (Department of Primary Industries, Vic). FarmPlan21 is a farm planning program that combines production goals with social and ecological values. This manual will take you through the steps of determining what natural resources currently exist on your property, and developing appropriate management strategies. It provides practical tools to help you…

Landcare Farming Champion

  A big congratulations to the Strong Family!!!  

Individual Landcare Champion

  A big congratulations to Glenn Currie!!!  

Junior Landcare Team – Runner Up

Booligal Public School Booligal Public School have undertaken an extensive project to develop a native garden and environmental education initiative. For further information on Booligal Public School, view their website here. A garden for learning Through the planning, design and development of their new garden, students are learning about biodiversity, native species and their Aboriginal…

Junior Landcare Team Champion

Narrandera Public School Narrandera Public School began their vegetable garden in 2012. Since then, they have extended their work to cover the reduction of waste at the school and revegetation works. For further information on Narrandera Public School, view their website here. The vegetable garden that started it all! Around 2012, staff member Lyn Seymour discovered…

Indigenous Land Management Champion

  A big congratulations to Nari Nari Tribal Council!!!  

Welcoming our new RALF – Tammy Galvin

We are very excited to welcome Tammy Galvin, who was recently appointed as Riverina Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator (RALF) with Riverina Local Land Servies. In this role Tammy will be working with the MLi team and also supporting farmers, industry and agricultural community groups, facilitating adoption of sustainable agriculture practices – new and innovative, but…

Ladies on Land & Women on Wheels

Tocal College These two programs are developed solely for women, with the goal of providing valuable learning opportunities for women that are assisting or managing day to day tasks on farm, or women just wanting to further their education and training.  Participants will undertake accredited training at Tocal College’s Yanco Agricultural Institute, with funding opportunities for eligible…

Zara Conservation Sandhill

In December 2020, Hay Plains Landcare Group hosted a field trip to the renowned Zara Conservation Sandhill. The event was led by Martin Driver, an Ecologist and Project Manager with the Australian Network for Plant Conservation and owner of Conargo property “Barabool”. The field trip provided information on native plant management and identification, promoted the…

Citizen Scientists needed to photograph Sun-loving Moths

Sun-loving Moths and citrus plants The biology of many Sun-loving Moths is inextricably linked to the biology of the citrus plants. Female moths lay their eggs into flowers, and when they hatch, caterpillars eat the developing seeds. Because the caterpillars are only able to eat seeds of one species of plant, their survival is absolutely…

‘Soils are Alive’ videos

These short animated videos communicate complex aspects of soil health in a simple and fun way. The series has been produced by the University of Western Australia’s Emeritus Professor Lyn Abbott and funded through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program to support the book “Soil Biological Fertility and Climate Resilience” which is planned for release…

New book documents long journey to reignite traditional knowledge

A new book, Lighting the Path: A Journey to Heal People and Country, has been released by the Central Tablelands LLS which traces the challenges and discoveries made over the past ten years, as local Aboriginal people worked with Central Tablelands Local Land Services to reignite traditional knowledge and reconnect with their country. The book…

Regional weather and climate guide for the Riverina

A series of Regional Weather and Climate Guides have been produced through a collaboration between the Bureau of Meteorology, the CSIRO and FarmLink Research. The aim is to improve the resilience of farming businesses by providing localised facts about the likelihood, severity and duration of key weather variables in regions across the country. View the…

Alternative fertiliser pasture study – Results published

Alternative fertiliser products are commonly promoted for use on pastures as a means to improve pasture productivity and support a more ‘healthy’ soil microbial environment. However, minimal field research has been conducted to validate such claims. A six year study (2009 – 2014) was conducted on phosphorus (P) deficient soils at three sites near Yass,…

Cotton Pest Management Guide 2020-21

The Cotton Pest Management Guide 2020-21 is now available to download! This resource covers insect, mite and weed control, disease prevention, biosecurity and spray application information. The Guide builds on the wealth of knowledge from research the cotton industry has undertaken since the publication first began in the 1980s and is an important tool for…

The key principles of regenerative agriculture

Hosted by Declan McDonald, Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS), this 8-part video series investigates the key principles of regenerative agriculture. The videos focus on farms in Gippsland and the Mornington Peninsula Region, but cover principles which are relevant to farms in all regions. View the series of videos here. The series starts with an Introduction…

Comic explainer: forest giants house thousands of animals (so why do we keep cutting them down?)

This article is from The Conversation. While it was published around 18 months ago, it remains a novel way to present an interesting tale of the history of tree clearing in our region. Madeleine De Gabriele and and Wes Mountain produced the article based on an interview with David Lindenmeyer. Giant eucalypts play an irreplaceable…

Eucalypts for the home garden

Eucalypt Australia and the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria have joined forces to create a series of videos on how to select, grow and maintain suitable eucalypts in the home garden. The first video in the series, “An introduction to Eucalypts for your home garden”, is shown below. Other videos include: Selecting your eucalypt, planting your…

SEED Citizen Science Hub

Citizen science is scientific work undertaken by members of the general public, often in collaboration with or under the direction of professional scientists and scientific institutions. Citizen science is different than general volunteering as you are collecting valuable data! The new SEED Citizen Science Hub has been set up to support and grow citizen science…

Create your own biosecurity kit

Preventing the introduction and spread of diseases, pests and weeds onto your land is one of the most things a landholder can do. Taking biosecurity risks seriously means making it part of your farm management, and making those practices second nature. Using this simple online toolkit, you can create or update your own farm biosecurity…

Managing Biodiversity in Cotton Landscapes

A new section of the CottonInfo website provides biodiversity information for every Local Government Area (LGA) in Australian cotton growing regions. The information included for each LGA includes: Relative areas – Area of cotton landscape; Area of remnant vegetation in the cotton landscape; Area of threatened ecological communities in the cotton landscape; and Area of…

Indigenous-led approaches to strengthening and sharing our knowledge for land and sea management

Indigenous Australians rights of ownership and management have been recognised over nearly half of Australia and their knowledge systems connect them to their Country and cultures. As significant landowners, managers and custodians, Indigenous peoples are applying their knowledge s in caring for Country, generating many benefits. However, there are many challenges for both Indigenous peoples…

New sightings of the Endangered Grey Snake!

In the Summer of 2018-19, researchers from Charles Sturt University (CSU) were conducting a series of nocturnal frog surveys around the wetlands of the lower Murrumbidgee floodplains. As well as recording a high number of frogs, the CSU researchers were excited to record a total of 21 sightings of Grey Snakes. These were the first…

Soil your undies!

In the name of building healthier soils, the CottonInfo team are inviting you to participate in this fun soil science experiment to see how healthy your cotton soil is. All you need to do is bury a pair of 100 per cent white cotton undies in topsoil for two months and then check the level of…

Seven key tips for a fish friendly farm

Native fish need shelter, clean water, food and room to move. A new guide released on Finterest (a partnership between the Murray Darling Basin Authority and Australian River Restoration Centre) describes seven actions you can do to benefit native fish life in the streams on or near your farm. In summary, the key steps include:…

Generation Ag podcast

Generation Ag is the podcast for anyone interested in life working in primary industries. From beef to berries, agvocacy to Australian politics, if it affects the next generation, we’re going to talk about it! The podcast is produced by young people involved in primary industries, and includes a fascinating series of interviews and stories of…

Vic No Till soil health videos

Vic No Till have released a series of videos describing various aspects of soil and farm management. They are a great resource, allowing you to learn from some of the experts in the field, all from the comfort of your own home! You can view the full library of videos on their YouTube channel here.…

Designing regenerative grazing that works

Graeme Hand, of Hand for the Land, has released a recording of a recent webinar titled “Designing regenerative grazing that works in practice”. The webinar covers: Level of change and risk Complexity Landscape function Description of planned grazing extremes – forced variation, recovery, stock density and plant utilization What works in practice The slides to…

How to help when you’re worried about someone’s mental health

Friends, family and colleagues are a crucial and necessary support mechanism for someone going through a difficult time. But it can be hard to know how to support someone who has a mental health issue or whose well-being you’re concerned about. This Fact Sheet from the Black Dog Institute covers how to recognise if someone…

How to build a wildlife island on your farm dam

Have you ever thought about building a wildlife island on your farm dam? Artificial islands are great for habitat and refuge for animals like turtles which make use of healthy farm dams. Eleanor Lang, an ANU Fenner School of Environment & Society ecologist, gives us a 2 minute demonstration on an easy method to construct a wildlife…

Do you know your dung beetles?

Did you know that there are more than 20 introduced species of dung beetle in Australia? Eleven of these are found on farms across the Riverina, according to a new interactive map released by the Dung Beetle Ecosystem Engineers project. The project website contains detailed information on all introduced species found in Australia, so you…

New video on the platypus and its conservation needs

The Australian Platypus Conservancy recently worked with Holbrook Landcare Network to produce a short video about the platypus and its conservation needs. Watch the video below, and find out more about these incredible creatures on the Australian Platypus Conservancy website.

Free “Foundations of Holistic Management” e-book

Are you interested in learning about holistic management and regenerative agriculture practices? The Savory Institute are currently offering a free copy of their Foundations of Holistic Management 5-part eBook bundle. Click here to complete the form and download the ebooks. The bundle, which usually costs $20, will show you the basics for holistic management theories,…

Leaky weirs for landscape rehydration

The Mulloon Institute aims to restore landscape function using carefully planned and designed structures that fit neatly into the landscape. One type of these structures are leaky weirs, that are built from natural materials such as rocks, logs, soil and vegetation which binds them together. The structures are designed to raise the water level of…

NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust ‘BioBites’

Over the lockdown period, the BCT have been busy creating some great online content – BioBites are short videos, delivered by BCT staff, for kids and kids at heart who love learning about biodiversity without having to travel. Check out their first videos below, and follow the BCT Facebook page to find out when new…

After fire comes recovery: Life in a farm dam

In January 2020, much of Batlow and surrounding areas were badly burnt. This included the farm of David Waters, our Local Landcare Coordinator for Bidgee South. Heavy rain followed on the bare, burnt earth, and Dave was worried that his dam – and the family of platypus that lived there – would suffer. But the…

Landcare and Gotcha4Life: New video

Gotcha4Life’s founder and chairman Gus Worland and CEO Tim Hodgson speak with Landcare NSW CEO Dr Adrian Zammit and our very own Regional Landcare Coordinator, Nicole Maher, about the new partnership between the two organisations to build rural mental fitness. The conversation is particularly timely with suicide rates expected to increase in regional areas and…

Help protect our Swift Parrots

Swift Parrots are one of Australia’s rare species of parrot and are listed as critically endangered under Australian Government legislation. It is estimated that less than 2,000 birds live in the wild. Without conservation efforts, this iconic species could be extinct in as little as 16 years. Swift Parrots are only found in south-eastern Australia.…

Visualising Australasia’s soils: New web portal for Australian soil data

Visualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS) is a place to discover and share soils information, activities and research from Australia and New Zealand. VAS is an initiative of the Soil CRC. Access the VAS website here. VAS is a community resource and welcomes your feedback, input and contribution. VAS brings together soil related datasets and information created…

“The Regenerative Journey” podcast with Charlie Arnott

2018 Bob Hawke Landcare Award winner Charlie Arnott has launched his inaugural podcast series, The Regenerative Journey. Listen to Charlie delve into the lives of some truly fascinating figureheads within the regenerative agricultural space. In the nine episode series Charlies’ guests include Damon Gameau, Lorraine Gordan, Joel Salatin to name but a few … and…

Successful season of Bittern-friendly rice growing

The first season of bittern-friendly rice growing incentives  in the Riverina’s rice fields has been successful, with incentive sites attracting four times as many bitterns as the control sites. Successful breeding was also recorded. It’s all thanks to the efforts of rice growers and Riverina Local Land Services, supported by funding from the Australian Government’s National…

You Got This Mate: New mental health website dedicated to rural men

You Got This Mate is a new initiative of the Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health and the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program, aimed at helping rural men reach their best possible mental health. Rural men often can be unsure about how and when to take action when it comes to their mental health.…

Frog surveys of Yanco Creek and tributaries and farm habitats

The summer of 2019/20 saw an extended drought across the Yanco Creek system and much of inland NSW. To find out how our native wetland fauna was faring, a frog refuge study was undertaken by YACTAC (Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council) in partnership with researchers at the Institute for Land, Water and Society at…

Soils Network of Knowledge

NSW Department of Primary Industries run a monthly webinar on soils, through their Soils Network of Knowledge. Recent webinars have covered topics including storing more carbon in your soil, soil acidity, nitrogen decision making, and alternative fertilisers. There are more than 35 webinars in the library available to view, with most running for 30 to…

Backyard chook health basics

Lou Baskind, District Veterinarian with Southeast Local Land Services, has produced some excellent information for new owners of backyard chickens. There is great introductory information to read in the SE LLS Animal Health Update, together with the videos below. If you find these useful, you may wish to subscribe to the South East LLS page…

Visible Farmer: Season One

Visible Farmer puts the spotlight on two pressing issues: gender equality and food security. Both are vital for the future of our country. 49% of all food in Australia is produced by women. This unique documentary series will change perceptions and inspire new generations of women to help shape the future of Australia’s sustainable food production.…

Happen Films – Stories for a changing world

Happen Films are a New Zealand-based duo who make “solutions-focused documentaries that explore how we can build resilient communities and landscapes in the face of global challenges. We share the stories of inspirational people creating a more beautiful world.” Most of their films are free to watch, but donations are welcome. Feature-length films include: “Living the…

Planting a multi-species cover crop

Have you considered planting a multi species cover crop? If you’re wondering why you would, or what the science behind it is, take a listen to soil educator Joel Williams in this recording of a session hosted by Riverina Local Land Services, in March 2020. Joel talks about the practicalities and benefits, the challenges, and…

Big shift for small farms – New podcast series

Greater Sydney Local Land Services is pleased to launch an online podcast to support small farmers. The Big Shift for Small Farms podcast series covers ten relevant topics and includes interviews with a variety of innovative and successful farmers as well as industry experts. This podcast series has been produced by the Grow Love Project with support from Greater…

A major scorecard gives the health of Australia’s environment less than 1 out of 10

Albert Van Dijk, Australian National University; Luigi Renzullo, Australian National University; Marta Yebra, Australian National University, and Shoshana Rapley, Australian National University 2019 was the year Australians confronted the fact that a healthy environment is more than just a pretty waterfall in a national park; a nice extra we can do without. We do not…

What is regenerative agriculture?

If a picture tells a thousand words, sometimes a well-made video can tell a million. Here we share 3 interesting videos on the topic of regenerative agriculture. Learn the basics of different regenerative practices, and meet some of the trailblazing farmers implementing these practices on their farms. From the Ground Up Inspired by Charles Massy’s…

Australian Native Seed Survey report

The Australian native seed sector is a critical component of the ecological restoration industry and both face challenges due to the continued loss and fragmentation of native vegetation, low levels of restoration funding and the impacts of climate change (to name but a few). To help prepare for such challenges, a national survey of participants…

“A day in the life of a soil” video

David Hardwick of Soil Land Food has run a number of well received local workshops on topics including soils, regenerative farming systems, landscape management and food systems. He has recently released two videos showcasing many of the key points from his workshops. Each video is around 1 hour long, and they are free to view…

Sheep handling ideas for small flocks

The Small Farms Network Capital Region recently ran a webinar and discussion about ideas for sheep handling on small farms. The scale of small farm operations means that sheep owners need to find cost-effective, practical solutions for everyday sheep handling tasks that larger farming operations take for granted. Sometimes these solutions can be slower to…

Call for citizen scientist photos on recovery of the environment following bushfire

Over 46,000,000 acres was burnt in the 2019-2020 Australian bushfire season in eastern Australia. Understanding how the environment recovers from this unprecedented fire season is an important scientific goal. As a citizen scientist, your observations from recently burnt areas are important. The Environment Recovery Project is an initiative of UNSW, through iNaturalist Australia, inviting all…

Learn how to film your Landcare Project

Have you ever wanted to make a short movie about your Landcare project but haven’t the foggiest where to start? While writing about or taking photos of your conservation or sustainable agriculture efforts are effective methods, nothing grabs attention like a short movie clip. Landcare Australia have put together an exciting new resource to help…

Online courses and resources

With events cancelled, parties banned and most social venues closed, now might just be the time to take advantage of the opportunities the internet offers to learn something new from the comfort of your home! There are way too many courses and resources available to list, but below is just a small sample of some…

Useful resources for educating (and entertaining!) kids at home

Many of us are now “home-schooling” our children, and while spending this extra time together can be really special, it can also be hard to know what and how to teach them. To help you, we’ve put together a selection of some of the best FREE online resources we’ve found to teach kids about Landcare-related…

On-Farm Plastic Waste Recycling Collection Program

Eastern Riverina Landcare Group is offering a FREE on-farm plastics recycling program at each of Lockhart Shire’s Waste Disposal Centres during normal opening hours. What items will be accepted? Silage film Bunker plastic Grain bags Twine (must be bagged separately) What will NOT be accepted? Tarps Bulka bags Silage mesh Poly pipe How does it…

New Native Fish Recovery Strategy

Five million dollars has been committed for the development and initial implementation of a Native Fish Recovery Strategy. The strategy will outline a 10-year plan to recover native fish in the Murray–Darling Basin, and aims to ensure: Healthy and diverse native fish populations are supported and are resilient to extreme events Communities are involved in on-ground…

Regenerative Agriculture Videos

The Regenerative Agriculture Alliance has announced the launch of a series of videos that spread hope for a resilient farming future. The videos aim to educate farmers around the country on the practice’s potential to improve soil health, human health, landscape resilience and biodiversity. Videos currently available cover the importance of soil health, the impact…

MLi Membership 2021

Murrumbidgee Landcare is the umbrella organisation for 24 Landcare groups and hundreds of volunteers across a land area of 84,000 km2. We are a whole-of-catchment organisation, providing an overarching structure that allows local Landcare, farming and other community groups to get on with the work you want to do – repairing, rebuilding and renewing the…

Roadside vegetation management by Griffith City Council

Griffith City Council has undertaken a comprehensive survey of all roadside reserve vegetation communities and their condition along 1,348 km of roadside reserves. This informed the development of the Griffith Roadside Vegetation Management Plan, a Roadside Reserves Vegetation Management Guide, online tablet platform and training program. This ensures council operations do not have a detrimental…

Our Farm, Our Plan

Our Farm, Our Plan is a new program developed by Dairy Australia with support from the Gardiner Dairy Foundation and DairyNZ. It is designed to equip farmers to clarify their long term goals, identify the actions needed and to manage uncertainty and risk. Having a clear view of long term business and personal goals helps…

EcoConnect – Every species connected

EcoConnect is a new initiative by Wagga local Duncan Farquhar aims to connect humanity more closely to nature, by connecting a person to every species. Not all species are as iconic as a blue whale, a giant redwood or a dragonfly. Many species are microscopic and most are quite difficult for a person to physically…

New podcast about regenerative agriculture

A new podcast, produced by the Regenerative Agriculture Alliance and Southern Cross University, is set to ignite a much-needed national conversation about resilient farming practices in the face of climate change and drought. The podcast, titled ‘Ground Cover’, launched with an episode from Dr Charles Massy, revolutionary farmer and author of Call of The Reed…

Change in the air: Defining the need for an Australian agricultural climate change strategy

This report highlights the serious threat which climate change represents to the viability of Australian agriculture. The authors stress the need for a successful national strategy for climate change and Australian agriculture, which must be underpinned by research, development and extension to enable systemic adaptation and identify the priority gaps where action and strategic policy…

‘Welcome to Country’ App

A new app is now available that delivers a simple “Welcome to Country” video introduction when users cross a tribal boundary. The videos show a traditional owner or elder welcoming the user to their country, and give an overview of basic cultural protocols specific to that tribal area, including culture and customs of that tribe.…

The Dead Tree Detective

You are invited to get involved in this unique citizen science project! The aim of this project, led by Western Sydney University and University of New England, is to collect observations of dead or dying trees around Australia. It sounds a bit grim, but knowing where and when trees have died will help us to…

Feral deer in NSW

Wild deer are a priority pest animal in NSW, and are becoming a problem as their populations are increasing rapidly. DeerScan is a new website (and associated app) for landholders and the community to report feral deer sightings and problems. DeerScan can be used to map sightings, report problems or damage caused by deer, and…

Our Strategic Plan

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