Working with rural and urban communities to achieve a viable and productive environment, for present and future generations.

For over 25 years, Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group members have worked collaboratively to address natural resource issues on both public and private land.

You are invited to become a member today!

We always welcome new members, so join us today and enjoy all the benefits of our active group.

Having strong membership numbers is important, as it helps demonstrate community support, and strengthens our ability to obtain grant funding for local projects of interest to our members.

To become a member:

Membership costs $15 per year. To become a member, please complete the form below, and pay by:

Bank transfer:

BSB – 633 111

Acct – 301 142 428

Ref – Your name

Or cheque: Made out to “Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group”.

Alternatively you can download and print the TVLG Membership Form, and submit to Nicole Maher by email ( or post (PO Box 710 Wagga Wagga NSW 2650).

Your details


Your interests

