How to build a wildlife island on your farm dam

Have you ever thought about building a wildlife island on your farm dam? Artificial islands are great for habitat and refuge for animals like turtles which make use of healthy farm dams. Eleanor Lang, an ANU Fenner School of Environment & Society ecologist, gives us a 2 minute demonstration on an easy method to construct a wildlife…

Do you know your dung beetles?

Did you know that there are more than 20 introduced species of dung beetle in Australia? Eleven of these are found on farms across the Riverina, according to a new interactive map released by the Dung Beetle Ecosystem Engineers project. The project website contains detailed information on all introduced species found in Australia, so you…

Free “Foundations of Holistic Management” e-book

Are you interested in learning about holistic management and regenerative agriculture practices? The Savory Institute are currently offering a free copy of their Foundations of Holistic Management 5-part eBook bundle. Click here to complete the form and download the ebooks. The bundle, which usually costs $20, will show you the basics for holistic management theories,…

Leaky weirs for landscape rehydration

The Mulloon Institute aims to restore landscape function using carefully planned and designed structures that fit neatly into the landscape. One type of these structures are leaky weirs, that are built from natural materials such as rocks, logs, soil and vegetation which binds them together. The structures are designed to raise the water level of…

NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust ‘BioBites’

Over the lockdown period, the BCT have been busy creating some great online content – BioBites are short videos, delivered by BCT staff, for kids and kids at heart who love learning about biodiversity without having to travel. Check out their first videos below, and follow the BCT Facebook page to find out when new…

After fire comes recovery: Life in a farm dam

In January 2020, much of Batlow and surrounding areas were badly burnt. This included the farm of David Waters, our Local Landcare Coordinator for Bidgee South. Heavy rain followed on the bare, burnt earth, and Dave was worried that his dam – and the family of platypus that lived there – would suffer. But the…

Landcare and Gotcha4Life: New video

Gotcha4Life’s founder and chairman Gus Worland and CEO Tim Hodgson speak with Landcare NSW CEO Dr Adrian Zammit and our very own Regional Landcare Coordinator, Nicole Maher, about the new partnership between the two organisations to build rural mental fitness. The conversation is particularly timely with suicide rates expected to increase in regional areas and…

Swift Parrot

Help protect our Swift Parrots

Swift Parrots are one of Australia’s rare species of parrot and are listed as critically endangered under Australian Government legislation. It is estimated that less than 2,000 birds live in the wild. Without conservation efforts, this iconic species could be extinct in as little as 16 years. Swift Parrots are only found in south-eastern Australia.…