Our Mission: Murrumbidgee Landcare is the community voice for natural resource management and sustainable farming systems throughout the Murrumbidgee catchment.

Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc is a grass roots, umbrella organisation which has represented  Landcare groups and supported Landcare activities in the Murrumbidgee catchment for over 25 years. Membership of Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc is made up of the Landcare Groups and Networks in the catchment, together with other interested organisations and individuals.

The footprint of this network stretches along the Murrumbidgee River from Hay in the west to Tumut in the east, across the Riverina and southwest slopes.

Catchment Vision: A landscape supporting vibrant, financially sustainable communities, managed in harmony with natural systems to maximise their retention and expansion.

MLi’s key priorities are to:

  • Support the Landcare networks
  • Encourage strategic alliances for the implementation of Landcare initiatives
  • Promote Landcare to the wider community and in particular to encourage young people to engage in Landcare activities.


MLi’s activities are directed to:

  • Providing initiatives to improve and strengthen the grassroots Landcare movement
  • Representing Landcare group members, including speaking on their behalf and lobbying government at National, State and Local levels
  • Developing linkages and brokering partnerships with other organisations
  • Promoting and developing a Landcare network
  • Promoting resources available through the state community organisation, Landcare NSW, to facilitate training and skill building for Landcare members
  • Investigating funding sources for community projects
  • Providing a forum for Landcarers to gain information and exchange ideas.