Weeds and pests on your small farm

Farm Biosecurity Building biosecurity for small farms: A small farms network guide (NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment). This guide describes the importance of biosecurity for livestock producers on small farms, with detail on potential biosecurity issues such as: the movement of people, vehicles & equipment on or off your property; managing inputs such…

Dams and waterways on your small farm

Managing a dam on your small farm Farm dams can do more than just provide water for your livestock – a well managed dam can provide excellent habitat for a range of native species, creating a beautiful, biodiverse area on your property. This short video features two farmers discussing what they have done, and what…

Native vegetation and habitat on your small farm

Managing natural resources on your small property   There are a range of different types of native vegetation which you may have on your small property, including scattered paddock trees, remnant vegetation patches, planted treelines and riparian vegetation. Each of these can provide important habitat and resources for native animals. This short video explains the…

Sustainable agriculture: What does that mean?

A word from the RALF (August 2021) The Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF) role supports farmers, industry and community groups (including Landcare Groups) to adopt new and innovative sustainable agriculture practices. Pivoting around it all is the focus on the words ‘sustainable agriculture’.  The question that could be pinned up is ‘What does sustainable agriculture…

Wildflower Walk guide

If you are out walking and enjoying the local flora during Spring, you may like to take this handy along with you. The two-page document, produced by Narrandera Landcare, contains photos of many of the common species flowering at this time of year. It also includes QR codes, which open links to give more information…

Case Study LP19 – Shelterbelt workshop

Landcare has been protecting and planting shelterbelts for a long time. With the completion of a three-year revegetation project funded, we wanted to ensure that our methods were evolving and adapting to best practice. Some of the questions we sought answers to at the workshop included: Is direct seeding more economical for plantings? Has the…

Planning your small farm

Whole Farm Planning FarmPlan21 Manual (Department of Primary Industries, Vic). FarmPlan21 is a farm planning program that combines production goals with social and ecological values. This manual will take you through the steps of determining what natural resources currently exist on your property, and developing appropriate management strategies. It provides practical tools to help you…