MLi Membership 2021

Murrumbidgee Landcare is the umbrella organisation for 24 Landcare groups and hundreds of volunteers across a land area of 84,000 km2. We are a whole-of-catchment organisation, providing an overarching structure that allows local Landcare, farming and other community groups to get on with the work you want to do – repairing, rebuilding and renewing the…

How to make and use seed bombs

Seed bombs (or seed balls) are made from a mixture of clay, compost, seeds and water. The clay in the seed balls helps protect the seeds from being taken by predators, and also helps to retain moisture once it becomes wet by rain, which germinates the seeds. The compost supplies nutrients for the establishing plant.…

Soils For Life Documentary

A new documentary has been released, outlining a regenerative agriculture visionary’s commitment to a food secure nation and sustainable farming communities. The Soils For Life documentary was launched on World Soil Day, Thursday 5 December. The 10-minute documentary acknowledges the vision and commitment of Soils For Life founder, Major General The Honourable Michael Jeffery. Three…

Roadside vegetation management by Griffith City Council

Griffith City Council has undertaken a comprehensive survey of all roadside reserve vegetation communities and their condition along 1,348 km of roadside reserves. This informed the development of the Griffith Roadside Vegetation Management Plan, a Roadside Reserves Vegetation Management Guide, online tablet platform and training program. This ensures council operations do not have a detrimental…

Our Farm, Our Plan

Our Farm, Our Plan is a new program developed by Dairy Australia with support from the Gardiner Dairy Foundation and DairyNZ. It is designed to equip farmers to clarify their long term goals, identify the actions needed and to manage uncertainty and risk. Having a clear view of long term business and personal goals helps…

ANU Sustainable Farms – Podcasts

Sustainable Farms has a program of podcasts featuring short, engaging chats about the research being conducted by the team. Episode One: Talking about Sustainable Farms (Michelle Young). Director of Sustainable Farms, Michelle Young, talks about why the project has been established and its key goals and activities Episode Two: Talking about Farm Dams (David Lindenmayer).…

Why does my hamburger taste SO good?

The South Wagga Public School Drama Llamas are an extra-curricular group of budding actors, writers and directors (and the occasional drama-queen) that meets weekly to satisfy their dramatic urges. With little Landcare experience, but oodles of enthusiasm, nine Drama Llamas and their intrepid leader, Tim Harris, rushed at the opportunity to work on the Landcare…

EcoConnect – Every species connected

EcoConnect is a new initiative by Wagga local Duncan Farquhar aims to connect humanity more closely to nature, by connecting a person to every species. Not all species are as iconic as a blue whale, a giant redwood or a dragonfly. Many species are microscopic and most are quite difficult for a person to physically…

Landcare NSW Annual Report 2018/19

Landcare NSW released its 2018/19 Annual Report at its AGM in late November 2019. The full Annual Report can be read here, covering the achievements of the organisation and the Landcare community over the past year. Below is the Chair’s Report, by Stephanie Cameron. Chairs Report and Introduction by Stephanie Cameron: 2019 marked 30 years…