Case study 1-2 – Kids learning and restoring wetlands

Wetlands are crucial ecosystems that support a diverse range of animals, plants, and insects. However, they are often threatened by human activities and environmental changes. Educating young people about the significance of wetlands and involving them in conservation efforts is essential for long-term environmental stewardship and protection. To address wetland conservation, Coolamon Landcare organized a…

We’re seeking EOIs for new board members

Passionate about the environment, sustainability and getting things done? Murrumbidgee Landcare is seeking Expressions of Interest for new board members.   Murrumbidgee Landcare is the Riverina’s most effective and longest running community environmental network, employing a team of 16 professional staff located throughout the entire catchment. Extending from Yass through to Hay, Murrumbidgee Landcare supports…

Plains-wanderer program takes flight

A Word from the SAF (August 2024) I’m thrilled to share some exciting news about a group of school students from Hay and their incredible efforts to protect the Plains-wanderer. This elusive bird, a true icon of our vast plains, is facing an uphill battle for survival. That’s why students from St Mary’s Primary School,…

Landcare Week 2024

Landcare Week (August 5-11), is an annual celebration of landcare during the first week of August that acknowledges the Australians who are actively restoring, enhancing and protecting the natural environment in their community. This year’s campaign theme is Landcare Is For Everyone (L.I.F.E) and we will be showcasing people across our community to inspire and encourage…

Sighting of wombats in Hay raises questions

Residents of Hay, New South Wales, have been stunned by the recent sightings of wombats in the area. These marsupials are typically native to southeastern Australia, and their presence in Hay has left many curious about their sudden appearance. Specifically, two sightings have been reported in the region: the first on the property ‘Bowen,’ located…

Conserving the Black Falcon

A Word from the SAF (March 2024) The Black Falcon (Falco subniger) is a striking large raptor found in the Riverina region of New South Wales. Distinguished by its dark plumage, white chin, and pale barring under the wings and tail, the Black Falcon possesses a light, quick flapping style, contrasting with the hovering behavior…

Nurturing our native vegetation: A call to action

A Word from the RALF (February 2024) Australia’s unique native vegetation faces many challenges that demand our attention. Let’s delve into the critical threats affecting our precious flora and look at actionable steps for each challenge.   Clearing, degradation and fragmentation Take action: Maintain and improve remnant vegetation Prioritise the enhancement of existing remnant vegetation.…

South West Slopes Revegetation Guide

This is the definitive guide to all revegetation, regeneration and restoration projects in the South West Slopes region, south of the Murrumbidgee River. There are a range of fact sheets, detailed information on a huge range of native plant species, and vegetation profiles for each region covered by the guide. Produced by the Murray Catchment…