Soil Biology Primer

The online Soil Biology Primer is an introduction to the living component of soil and how it contributes to agricultural productivity, and air and water quality. The Primer describes the soil food web and its relationship to soil health, and includes chapters about soil bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, arthropods and earthworms. Produced by the US…

Wiradjuri Plant Use

This excellent resource has been described as “a contemporary guide to the identification of plants within the Murrumbidgee catchment and their significance and cultural use for the Wiradjuri people.” The book aims to promote an understanding of Aboriginal cultural heritage and the uses and significance of native vegetation within the Murrumbidgee catchment. The plants included…

Life in a Woodland Tree

This beautiful poster describes the many native animals which utilise the various parts of mature woodland trees, including the canopy, flowers, hollows, bark and fallen timber. Further information is available on the associated pages of the ANU Fenner School website. Produced by the ANU Fenner School, 1 page

Conservation of Woodland Birds

This attractive brochure describes the species of birds typically found in different habitat elements of Box Gum Grassy Woodlands, including hollow nesters, ground dwellers, shrub dwellers and canopy dwellers. It includes useful photographs to assist with identification. Produced by the Grassy Box Woodland Conservation Management Network, 2 pages

Conservation Management Notes

These short, informative guides are for landholders interested in learning about the habitat on their properties. Produced by the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage, 4 pages each Seed Collecting describes the steps in collecting, cleaning and storing seed, as well as tips for ethical and sustainable collection. Assessing Wildlife Habitat describes key habitat features…

Wildlife on Farms

These factsheets describe different native animals that are commonly found on farming properties. Produced by Land, Water & Wool for New England wool properties, 4 pages each Arboreal Marsupials describes a number of these special natives, such as possums and gliders, as well as the threats they are facing, and how landholders can help improve…