Revegetation Guides

Greening Australia has developed a series of ‘how-to’ guides, designed to help those involved in revegetation or restoration works.  These introductory guides are for people wishing to learn, or be reminded about, the basic principles and practices of planting trees, shrubs and grasses for revegetation. The guides describe eight key steps that need to be…

Birds of Box Gum Grassy Woodlands

This video series features information, pictures and calls of a range of native bird species found in different habitat elements of the Box Gum Grassy Woodlands of our region. Produced through the Communities in Landscapes project, Ground Dwellers (8 minutes) Shrub Dwellers (7 minutes) Hollow Nesters (10 minutes) Canopy Dwellers (24 minutes)

Local Landholder Case Studies

This book features 20 case studies on landholders who were involved in Murrumbidgee Landcare’s Cross Property project. Each landholder talks about their reasons for choosing to be involved in the project, the NRM work they have undertaken on their property, and their top tips for integrating conservation and biodiversity on their farms.