Case Study LP17 – The ins and outs of soil health

Best practice pasture management has been linked to improved soil health in agricultural landscapes. To investigate this, we assessed the soil chemistry and biology of four different land management systems: alley plantings, pasture cropping, standard pastures, and native woodland. The different systems were on the properties of five landholders and a state forest in Boree…

Case Study LP06 – Grandparents and grandfriends

Whitton Public School was interested in connecting the children of the local primary schools to the older members of the community, particularly the Grandparents and Grandfriends of the community. The purpose of the event was to celebrate the contributions grandparents make to all our lives, and foster intergenerational learning and opportunities for older people to…

Case Study LP05 – Tiny, furry insect terminators!

Microbats of the Young District was a four-year project, funded by a Riverina Local Land Services Community Grant. It was developed in response to the continuing decline of microbat habitat in the wheat/sheep belt, and the general lack of awareness amongst landholders regarding microbats and the important role they play in ecosystem services. The first…

Case Study LP04 – Establishing valuable shelter belts

Junee Landcare members and surrounding farmers were keen to address the past removal of vegetation on farmland through the planting of native shrubs and trees to improve habitat and connectivity, and support regenerative farming practices. However, conditions presented a big challenge for the project, from drought to bushfires to Covid-19. The drought caused planting to…