Soils For Life Documentary

A new documentary has been released, outlining a regenerative agriculture visionary’s commitment to a food secure nation and sustainable farming communities. The Soils For Life documentary was launched on World Soil Day, Thursday 5 December. The 10-minute documentary acknowledges the vision and commitment of Soils For Life founder, Major General The Honourable Michael Jeffery. Three…

ANU Sustainable Farms – Podcasts

Sustainable Farms has a program of podcasts featuring short, engaging chats about the research being conducted by the team. Episode One: Talking about Sustainable Farms (Michelle Young). Director of Sustainable Farms, Michelle Young, talks about why the project has been established and its key goals and activities Episode Two: Talking about Farm Dams (David Lindenmayer).…

Landcare NSW Annual Report 2018/19

Landcare NSW released its 2018/19 Annual Report at its AGM in late November 2019. The full Annual Report can be read here, covering the achievements of the organisation and the Landcare community over the past year. Below is the Chair’s Report, by Stephanie Cameron. Chairs Report and Introduction by Stephanie Cameron: 2019 marked 30 years…

New article on the history, distribution and drivers of loss of the NSW TSR network

A new article by Peter Spooner and colleagues at Charles Sturt University, titled “The New South Wales Travelling Stock Route and Reserve (TSR) network: Historical extent, spatial distribution and drivers of loss 1884–2017”, has been published in the Australian Geographer journal. The paper documents the original extent of the New South Wales TSR network and changes during…

Change in the air: Defining the need for an Australian agricultural climate change strategy

This report highlights the serious threat which climate change represents to the viability of Australian agriculture. The authors stress the need for a successful national strategy for climate change and Australian agriculture, which must be underpinned by research, development and extension to enable systemic adaptation and identify the priority gaps where action and strategic policy…

A History of Landcare NSW

This report documents the history of Landcare NSW since its formation in 2007. A professional historian, Virginia Macleod, was engaged to undertake research and with input from staff and volunteers of Landcare NSW.The book contains the observations and stories of a number of people involved in the formative years of Landcare NSW, with the hope…