VegWatch Manual

Produced by the Molongolo Catchment Group, 111 pages This manual has been designed to assist landholders to undertake monitoring of native vegetation on their properties using a simple, consistent methodology. The book includes a number of different assessment and monitoring methods, and a good selection of recording sheet templates.

Restore the Soil: Prosper the Nation

This report to the Prime Minister was written by Major General the Honourable Michael Jeffery, “The National Soil Advocate” in December 2017. In the report, Major General Jeffrey advocates for our water, soil and vegetation assets to be declared as key national, natural strategic assets, to be managed accordingly and in an integrated way. He…

Healthy Soils

This fact sheet series describes the basics and benefits of soil health. Farming using soil health principles and systems, such as no-till, cover cropping and diverse rotations, can help to increase soil organic matter and improve microbial activity. Results can include sequestering more carbon, increasing water infiltration and improving pollinator habitat – in addition to…