Case Study LP24 – Greening kids and carparks

The Temora Youth Centre, known as “platform Y’, started holding monthly environmental group meetings for school aged students in 2020. In order to build momentum and interest in group membership, an exciting project was required to engage the students. The Temora Railway Station precinct was undergoing a revitalisation from an industrial facility into an overnight…

Case Study LP18 – Yarning Circle and native garden takes shape

Temora High School’s Indigenous Education Team is a student-led body comprising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, as well as non-Indigenous staff and students. In conjunction with Landcare NSW’s ‘Working Together’ program, local Wiradjuri Elders, the local Council and community members, a student-led interactive outdoor learning space was created. A disused corner of the school…

Case Study LP14 – Boost to NRM on-ground activities

Murrumbidgee Landcare’s Capacity Building project was created in conjunction with Riverina Local Land Services to facilitate interesting and relevant workshops and on-ground projects. These were aimed at increasing the capacity for natural resource management activities in the region and were designed to suit the interests and requirements of member groups in their particular region. This…

Native Seed Collection & Planting Guide

For the Kyeamba Valley region and surrounds Collecting and germinating local seed is a great way to grow plants for revegetation. It is also a rewarding and enjoyable activity! The information in this guide will give you some tips to get started. The guide includes a seed collection calendar, targeted at the Kyeamba Valley region.…

Revegetation Techniques

This guide may look a bit dated, and obviously it refers to Vic in the title, but it remains one of the most comprehensive references for revegetation you can find! It covers revegetation with planted tubestock, direct seeding and natural regeneration, with step by step descriptions for each. It has a detailed section on planning…