The Landcare NSW Strategic Plan 2021-2022 has been developed in consultation with the NSW Landcare community, with input and guidance from Landcare NSW Musters, Landcare NSW Council, Executive Committee and staff.
Read the full Strategic Plan here.
Landcare NSW is the peak body for community Landcare in NSW, representing the interests of around 60,000 Landcarers and approximately 3,000 Landcare, Bushcare, Coastcare, Dunecare, Rivercare and other ‘care’ groups. This strategy is focused on the priorities of the State body but recognises that the purpose and guiding mission of Landcare NSW is to deliver what community Landcare needs in NSW. Landcare NSW aims to be an enabler for Landcare groups in NSW to grow and prosper, to acquire the skills and resources they need to do the work on the ground.
Strategic goals
Goal 1 : Strengthen our capability
We will build the capacity of Landcare NSW and its member Landcare groups into a compelling, influential, financially sustainable and agile Landcare movement in NSW that continually delivers positive impact and value to funders, partners and ultimately our land, environment and communities through efficiencies, effectiveness and innovation.
- Promote Landcare NSW and its community Landcare members as an effective sustainable land management and community grassroots movement
- Attract and retain high quality leadership, governance and staff
- Ensure strong, sustainable and diversified funding streams
- Ensure that Landcare NSW and Landcare in NSW are relevant to the current needs of community and its funders
- Adopt a “social heart, business mind” approach at all levels
- Ensure innovation, knowledge and technology is harnessed.
Goal 2: Member centred
Everything we do will be for the betterment and the benefit of our members. We will reinforce our member-centric approach by delivering member value, support, representation and by driving growth in membership and engagement.
- Increase the recruitment of each category of members, and focus on enhanced retention
- Strengthen our role as the Landcare peak body in NSW
- Work with our Landcare community to improve existing and develop new member services that cater for the needs of the Landcare community
- Represent our members with key funders including all levels of government, corporates, philanthropists and the general community
- Assist, encourage and recognise members with the work that they do at the regional and local level
- Engage, assist and encourage the Aboriginal people of NSW to embrace the shared values of the Landcare movement, and Landcare NSW.
Goal 3: Position, profile and presence
We will represent and actively position Landcare NSW and Landcare in NSW within government, community and media, allowing the “Landcare story” to be told, ultimately maximising our profile, our influence and our impact, and the value of our members and the value of the entire Landcare movement.
- Protect, manage and promote the Landcare NSW and Landcare brand
- Enhance our relationship, recognition and visibility with all levels of government, corporates, philanthropists and the general community
- Reinforce the position of Landcare NSW and its member Landcare community as the most effective, influential and impactful grassroots movement in NSW, and Australia
- Ensure Landcare NSW and its members are acknowledged within all levels of government as a professional volunteer service for natural disaster (bush fire, drought, floods) recovery and resilience building
- Extend Landcare NSW’s reputation and profile as the partner of choice for the successful and efficient delivery of government services pertaining to environmental protection, sustainable agriculture and community well-being.
Goal 4: Working better together
We will continue building a strong, sustainable, influential, impactful and integrated Landcare community that talks, respects each other and works, collaborates and cooperates together to achieve shared vision, values and goals.
- The roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of the different Landcare groups and roles are understood to create a holistic, cooperative, collaborative and more effective Landcare movement
- Promote effective and honest communication and feedback between all levels of the Landcare movement in NSW and Australia
- Enable an effective leadership culture to lead the Landcare movement and future proof our movement moving forward
- Identify and utilise the knowledge, skills and expertise of the membership
- Facilitate the sharing of information and best practice across all levels of the Landcare movement in NSW and Australia
- Learn and recognise the strengths and weaknesses of our Landcare communities to foster increased resilience, adaptability and social capital in the Landcare movement
- Adapt Landcare NSW’s corporate structure, governance and constitution to allow for Landcare NSW’s continued growth, development and effectiveness in its ability to reach its strategic objectives.
If you have any questions, feedback or comments about the Plan, please contact Landcare NSW: