In July 2021, Hay Plains Landcare hosted the third day in a series of four Seasons of Seed workshops: Direct seeding and planting, at Oakville, Conargo.
This workshop allowed participants to observe the benefits of native vegetation and habitat corridors for production and conservation. Participants learnt the different methods of direct seeding and planting, with demonstrations of the machinery used on site.
The event was led by Martin Driver, Ecologist and Project Manager with the Australian Network for Plant Conservation, Colin and Marg Bull owners of “Oakville”, and Hay Plains Landcare with Riverina LLS and Murray LLS Seed Services demonstrating the direct seeding on the day.
This short video provides some amazing footage of “Oakville”, together with insights from Martin Driver, Colin Bull, Natasha Lappin (Murray LLS) and Lucinda Williamson (Hay Plains Landcare)