The Rural Living Handbook is a guide produced by Local Land Services to help rural landholders experience the wonderful aspects of rural life as well as to raise awareness of the risks and responsibilities that come with that lifestyle. It is for:
- people who are new to rural life in NSW
- prospective rural property owners
- owners of hobby farms and lifestyle blocks
- people who are having a go at primary production for the first time
- long-term property owners who want further resources on living sustainably in a rural area.
The Rural Living Handbook provides you with a starting point with practical information on:
- buying a rural property, including a ‘Before you buy’ checklist
- natural resources, including water, soil and native plants and animals
- cultural heritage and how to identify and care for it
- property management, including livestock, fencing, chemicals and waste disposal
- biosecurity responsibilities, including pests, weeds and diseases
- how to prepare for emergencies and getting help afterwards during recovery
- regional and local planning and what impact that may have on you
- specific information for owners of small landholdings.
Each section of the Rural Living Handbook contains lists of useful resources, website and contacts for organisations that provide support to rural landholders.