Indigenous (Wurundjeri) Plant Use

Produced by the Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub, The University of Melbourne, 44 pages This booklet contains information about indigenous plant use, including the medicinal, nutritional and technological use of plants (such as traps, nets and weapons) developed over many, many millennia by Australia’s First Peoples. Where possible, information is also included about the…

‘Soils are Alive’ videos

These short animated videos communicate complex aspects of soil health in a simple and fun way. The series has been produced by the University of Western Australia’s Emeritus Professor Lyn Abbott and funded through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program to support the book “Soil Biological Fertility and Climate Resilience” which is planned for release…

Regional weather and climate guide for the Riverina

A series of Regional Weather and Climate Guides have been produced through a collaboration between the Bureau of Meteorology, the CSIRO and FarmLink Research. The aim is to improve the resilience of farming businesses by providing localised facts about the likelihood, severity and duration of key weather variables in regions across the country. View the…

Alternative fertiliser pasture study – Results published

Alternative fertiliser products are commonly promoted for use on pastures as a means to improve pasture productivity and support a more ‘healthy’ soil microbial environment. However, minimal field research has been conducted to validate such claims. A six year study (2009 – 2014) was conducted on phosphorus (P) deficient soils at three sites near Yass,…