Cotton Pest Management Guide 2020-21

The Cotton Pest Management Guide 2020-21 is now available to download! This resource covers insect, mite and weed control, disease prevention, biosecurity and spray application information. The Guide builds on the wealth of knowledge from research the cotton industry has undertaken since the publication first began in the 1980s and is an important tool for…

The key principles of regenerative agriculture

Hosted by Declan McDonald, Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS), this 8-part video series investigates the key principles of regenerative agriculture. The videos focus on farms in Gippsland and the Mornington Peninsula Region, but cover principles which are relevant to farms in all regions. View the series of videos here. The series starts with an Introduction…

NSW Landcare Program

2019 – 2023 Funded by the NSW Government through Landcare NSW and NSW Local Land Services This program is a $22.4 million investment co-delivered by Landcare NSW and NSW Local Land Services to unlock the potential of the extensive volunteer network and Landcare movement across NSW. It builds on the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative, a number…

Partnering in Private Land Conservation

Private Land Conservation Matters 2023 – 2024  The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) has partnered with Landcare NSW to highlight the importance of private land conservation. Building on the success of its initial phase, the Private Land Conservation Matters (PLCM) program has been refunded for a second stage in the Riverina.  PLCM aims to encourage…

Eucalypts for the home garden

Eucalypt Australia and the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria have joined forces to create a series of videos on how to select, grow and maintain suitable eucalypts in the home garden. The first video in the series, “An introduction to Eucalypts for your home garden”, is shown below. Other videos include: Selecting your eucalypt, planting your…

SEED Citizen Science Hub

Citizen science is scientific work undertaken by members of the general public, often in collaboration with or under the direction of professional scientists and scientific institutions. Citizen science is different than general volunteering as you are collecting valuable data! The new SEED Citizen Science Hub has been set up to support and grow citizen science…

Create your own biosecurity kit

Preventing the introduction and spread of diseases, pests and weeds onto your land is one of the most things a landholder can do. Taking biosecurity risks seriously means making it part of your farm management, and making those practices second nature. Using this simple online toolkit, you can create or update your own farm biosecurity…

Managing Biodiversity in Cotton Landscapes

A new section of the CottonInfo website provides biodiversity information for every Local Government Area (LGA) in Australian cotton growing regions. The information included for each LGA includes: Relative areas – Area of cotton landscape; Area of remnant vegetation in the cotton landscape; Area of threatened ecological communities in the cotton landscape; and Area of…