Bitterns in Rice

2015 – 2016 This project was prompted by a curious rice grower who photographed some strange birds in his crop. These birds were identified as Australian Bitterns, and endangered species. This triggered the Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia, Birdlife Australia, Murrumbidgee Landcare, Riverina Local Land Services and other organisations to come together to learn more about…

Cottoning on to the Murrumbidgee River

In February 2017, CottonInfo, Murrumbidgee Landcare, Murrumbidgee Irrigation, Riverina Local Land Services and the Australian Government ran two field days in the Murrumbidgee Valley. The aim was to extend the latest cotton industry riparian vegetation research outcomes, increase participants’ awareness of the value of riparian vegetation on farms and educate them on the latest best…

How to use a Remote Wildlife Camera

Remote cameras are a useful way of surveying animals which are typically hard to spot, and have the added advantage of minimal interference with the animal. This handy guide explains how to set up and use the cameras, as well as how to download your photographs. Murrumbidgee Landcare has two remote wildlife cameras which are available…

Preparing for Bushfires

Bushfire Survival Checklist This handy one-page checklist, developed through Murrumbidgee Landcare’s Women on Fire project, lists the key actions to undertake before, during and after a bushfire emergency. Edit our basic checklist to produce your own, ready to stick on the fridge or some other prominent location! Useful Resources This flyer has links to to…

Checking for Change

This practical guide provides landholders and project managers with helpful techniques to check whether sites newly managed for conservation are on track to improve. The key to the techniques outlined in the guide is a shift in perspective from looking up at the trees, to looking down to the soils, grasses and wildflowers in the…