Saltbush on the plains (image credit: Alix McFarland)

The Rapid Assessment Method (RAM) App

A word from the RALF (February 2023) What is RAM? RAM stands for Rapid Assessment and Monitoring Method. The development of the RAM is a joint project between Local Government NSW and Local Land Services, funded by the NSW Environmental Trust through their Linear Reserves Program. The RAM was developed to provide a simple approach…

Rare native plant discovered on Hay TSR

A word from the RALF (October 2022) A population of rare native yam daisies has been discovered on a travelling stock reserve (TSR) near Hay, with work underway from Riverina Local Land Services to protect the native plant.  These yam daisies, known as Micoseris walteri, produce edible tuberous roots and yellow flower heads, which look…

Case Study LP30 – Roadside revegetators

Due to the ongoing demands of infrastructure maintenance and replacement, a section of roadside vegetation was required to be cleared for installation of a new waterpipe. Across the Riverina, roadside vegetation along roadsides are critical corridors and habitat, so protecting and revegetating these areas is critical to their ongoing functionality and survival in the landscape.…

New role for Jade Auldist

A word from the RALF (September 2022) Jade Auldist has been recently appointed as Riverina Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator (RALF) with Riverina Local Land Services. With a passion for native vegetation and biodiversity, Jade relishes the opportunity to work in a field that supports Landholders, Landcare and Primary industry groups to deliver regional outcomes in…

Case Study LP35 – Bring back the Glossy Black!

Glossy Black-Cockatoos (GBC) are vulnerable in NSW with climate change posing a very real threat to the birds and vegetation they eat. The GBC are fussy eaters, they feed on different species of She-oak Allocasuarina veticillata. In Narrandera, Leeton, Griffith, Rankins Springs, Galore and The Rock the birds are being monitored by the Murrumbidgee Field…

Case Study LP31 – Clean Up Australia Day

For many years, people have been throwing rubbish out of their car windows, dropping rubbish on the ground, or illegally dumping rubbish. This rubbish is destroying our beautiful landscapes and roadsides by polluting the waterways and soil. Coolamon is home to the Kindra Forest which provides habitat for a large population of native flora and…