In the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA) there are a number of people employed within different organisations as Natural Resource Management (NRM) officers. Within their portfolio these people have worked on individual projects and achieved small, though important, outcomes. However, much of this work has gone unnoticed. There has never been a process or system in place for these organisations to share information, resources and planning to maximise NRM outcomes.
The Landcare Irrigation Area Collective was formulated to promote and build community partnerships and to ensure effective and collaborative NRM planning and education. The aim was to use the group’s collective skills and knowledge to help each other with regional NRM activities, to restore a strong and vibrant Landcare community, and to promote sustainable agriculture and NRM through on-ground works, education and best practice. The Landcare Irrigation Area Collective now has representatives from Murrumbidgee Irrigation, Riverina Local Land Services, Leeton Shire Council, Ricegrowers’ Association, CottonInfo, Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder’s Office, Griffith Shire Council, Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists, Department of Primary Industries, Bitterns in Rice Project and National Parks and Wildlife.