Gully and streambank erosion is a serious issue in the Kyeamba Creek catchment. Our land has been altered for agriculture and with an increase in heavy rainfalls in the last few years, unnatural erosion of the banks and gullies of the upper catchment have intensified with significantly more sediment being transported downstream. This impacts on the water quality, nutrient load and turbidity of connecting streams, creeks and rivers and destabilises riverine habitats for fish, frogs and macroinvertebrates. Inaction will result in these gullies continuing to erode, resulting in soil losses far exceeding soil formation, loss of nutrients in the landscape and an increase of sedimentation and nutrients into our rivers.
The Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group have been working with Cam Wilson, qualified consultant from Earth Integral, to implement low-cost erosion solutions across the catchment. Cam Wilson conducted three practical field days to demonstrate different techniques on how to apply low-cost erosion control solutions. Cam taught 53 landholders that expensive earthworks are not necessary to prevent or remedy erosion problems but rather the clever use of local materials can be just as effective.
Landholders left with a better understanding of erosion processes, how to build a structure and where and how they should be placed for maximum success. So far, 8 low cost erosion control and sediment control works have been implemented. Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group plans to roll out many more works throughout 2016-2017.