The Dung Beetle Ecosystem Engineers group was established in 2019, led by Charles Sturt University. The group aims to understand the current distribution of dung beetle species introduced to Australia,
and evaluate new species of dung beetle for importation and release into Australia. They also want to work with farming and land management groups to help detect dung beetles, and modify agricultural practices to enhance the success of dung beetles.
Workshops were held across the South West Slopes to help landholders recognise and better understand dung beetle species in their paddocks. Workshop participants were given strategies and land management practices to help encourage local dung beetle populations to flourish.
The Dung Beetle Ecosystem Engineers Group is also establishing a network of enthusiastic landholders across the Murrumbidgee Region to help with the establishment of dung beetle nurseries on farms. These nurseries will facilitate the development of populations of newly introduced dung beetle species to fill the traditional seasonal gaps of existing species.