When the new Local Landcare Coordinator program commenced, our Coordinators worked with all the Landcare groups in our region to understand their needs and interests, the issues they faced and the topics they would like to learn more about. This information was very helpful in guiding the development of future projects and grant applications, but unfortunately it was difficult to maintain momentum without any funding immediately available to run events or activities.
Building on our existing relationship with Riverina Local Land Services (RLLS), we were delighted when RLLS offered us funding to host events that would build capacity within the local Landcare network. The funding allowed us to offer training events, workshops and field days to Landcare groups and other community members. We were able to draw on a range of partnerships to significantly value-add to the funding received from RLLS.
We delivered a total of 30 events over an 18-month period, supporting 11 Landcare groups and partnering with 9 other organisations.