Following the Black Summer Bushfires of 2019-20, Landcare took on the task of trying to protect one of the only known populations of Grevillea wilkinsonnii from wildfire, whilst still providing the right kind of fire for this isolated population to thrive. Factors to consider include the lifecycle of the species, the fire history and how tolerant this vegetation community is to fire events in different seasons and of varying intensities of burning.
The Hotspot team from the Nature Conservation Council and the Rural Fire Service came together for a workshop in the Riverina Highlands community, where participants witnessed a demonstration burn and spent time learning about the required legislation. Landcare staff will undertake follow-up monitoring, in partnership with the Tumut Brungle Local Aboriginal Land Council and Ngumbaay Indigenous Corporation. This builds on a longer
term partnership to regenerate the Grevillea and collect seed to supply the Riverina Highlands Landcare Nursery and threatened species programs.
Case Study LP55 – Bushfire recovery support in the Riverina Highlands