Case Study 3-9: Cultural Connections in Conservation

A field day at ‘Allandale’ in Narrandera, exploring the connection between Cultural heritage and biodiversity conservation.   The issue   Cultural connections in Australian conservation face several challenges, including the difficulty of mainstream society recognising intangible Cultural resources and integrating traditional ecological knowledge into mainstream frameworks. Systemic barriers, such as historical disconnection from policy and…

Case Study 2-6: “Dirt Eats Too” Waste Management and Soil Conservation Program

Cultivating a strong sense of environmental responsibility, experiencing a connection to nature and instilling values of stewardship early in children’s lives is as important for people’s wellbeing as it is for healthy ecosystems. Hay Plains Landcare is committed to teaching the next generation and through a successful Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant Application, have been able…

Case Study 21 – World Wetland Day

Murrumbidgee Landcare received a Foundation Grant from Riverina Local Land Services to celebrate World Wetland Day. Leeton was the focus as it has a Ramsar-listed wetland nearby that is undervalued for its economic, cultural and natural resource values. It was decided to hold a “Birds and Brekky at Fivebough” event and a viewing of the…