Threatened Species – Riverina school tour

Teaching local students about Local Threatened Species has been wonderful.   The kids had a blast and so did we. Travelling the Riverina with Douglas the Australasian Bittern, Louise the Malleefowl and Goldie the Plains-wanderer, they fought for the front seat but were generally well-behaved. Having Michael Lyons from Narrandera Sandhills Artifacts was fabulous. Hearing…

Threatened Species of the Riverina Education Program

Education Package   Endangered Western Riverina Birds      Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc with the support of Riverina Local Land Services offer this education package of Endangered Riverina Birds.  Overview   Schools can find out about the Threatened Riverina Bird education package via the Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc Website. They can access resources about 3 Threatened Bird species…

Case Study LP45 – Women caring for the catchment

Despite the increasing evolution of women’s roles in agriculture, they remain significantly underrepresented and undervalued in positions of rural leadership and decision making. An unconscious bias exists in the industry,  perpetuated by the overwhelming majority of images depicting male farmers in a simple Google search for ‘Australian farmer.’ Women’s contributions to agriculture have a deep…

Case Study LP34 – Next best thing to a hollow

People who remove old hollow bearing trees for town development and farmland endeavours may have very little concept of who might live there. Wildlife tenants may not be there at the time, but these trees are still home for native animals, some of them being migratory. There are approximately 300 native species of birds, mammals,…

Case Study LP49 – Digging deeper into soils

Understanding soils can be a challenging topic, and when combined with farming practices, changing weather patterns, and an expanding array of soil products, it can become even more complex. As a result, land managers often face numerous obstacles when it comes to comprehending their soils and making informed decisions about how best to manage them.…

Case Study LP41 – BioBlitz in Yanco

A large number of students at Yanco Public School are from farming families. Although they have a school garden, the native bush and ecosystems are not well understood as there is so little remnant vegetation left. There is, however, a local wetland within walking distance of the school. Murrumbidee Landcare organised a Bioblitz Day at…

Community Champions of the Murrumbidgee region

Young people from three unique townships within the Murrumbidgee Council area have created this book over the last twelve months. Students from Darlington Point, Coleambally and Jerilderie connected with community members to increase their knowledge of their local area and build a higher level of appreciation for the place in which they live. The youth…

Rakali, Australian Water-rat

Rakali-friendly Wetland Design

Produced by the Australian Platypus Conservancy, 9 pages. On 9 February 2023, the Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists had a great webinar on Rakali (Australian Water-rat) with Geoff Williams from the Australian Platypus Conservancy. Rakali have had a bit of a bad rap over time, probably because of its name ‘rat’ rather than ‘otter’ which would better…

Yanco Biodiversity Field Day

Together with the Biodiversity Conservation Trust, Murrumbidgee Landcare recently held a BioBlitz with students from Yanco Public School. The children learnt about native birds, vegetation, habitat and other fauna in and around the wetland located near the school.   This field day was funded through the “Partnering in Private Land Conservation” project, funded by the…

Case Study LP44 – Improving farm dams

Stock can cause pugging of dam banks, destroy vegetation through trampling, rubbing and chewing, and decrease the water quality in the dam from their urine and faecal contamination. Constant stock access can also significantly exacerbate soil erosion of dams and surrounding creek-lines. This can adversely affect water quality at a much larger spatial scale. A…