This video was taken on a 400ha property in the Neville NSW area. This property is found on undulating country with a maximum elevation of 960m and a normal annual rainfall of 800mm.
The main soil types found in the area are red earths, yellow earths, yellow soloths/yellow podzolic soil intergrades, and red and yellow structured earths. For a more in-depth look at the soils of the area take a look at the area soil profile PDF.
This property is family run and owned and has been in the family since 1998. The enterprises on the farm are Angus x Shorthorn cattle and Xbreed sheep as well as a 50ha paddock of lucerne, that is both grazed and made into hay once a year.
The property uses a selection of holistic, organic and sustainable management techniques to achieve optimal productivity and to maintain the natural resources on the farm. Since 1998 the owners have planted approximately 5000 native trees and shrubs in tree lanes and paddock trees across the farm. Some pastures have been improved and since implementing a very regimented rotational grazing system the family have noticed that more and more native grass species are popping up across their paddocks. There are 66 paddocks; each paddock is given on average of 100 days rest before it is grazed again. Each paddock has a trough and most wetland areas and springs are fenced off to reduce damage from stock.
The family are involved with their local Landcare and have been a part of some trial plots to monitor grass species, as well as tree planting projects and they are currently a part of a dung beetle project.