Pop-up Grant Report: Tidy Trees Workshop

Hay Country Women’s Association, 2017 The Hay CWA organised this workshop with the aim of upskilling the community in the essentials of maintaining backyard trees through pruning, with a focus on both native and ornamental/fruit trees. The correct use and maintenance of equipment was covered, and the workshop also detailed appropriate control of fruit fly.

Benchmark Study of Innovators

This report provides the results of comparisons between 10 grazing innovators and more conventional neighbours from properties across three catchments in NSW – the Murrumbidgee, Lachlan and Central West. The innovators selected had practiced rotational grazing for more than 5 years, while the comparisons were made across fence lines to the paddock on a neighbour’s…

Farm Profitability and Biodiversity: Graziers with better profitability, biodiversity and wellbeing

Produced through the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program, 91 pages The box gum grassy woodlands ecological community has declined by approximately 92% from their natural extent, largely due to decades of clearing and nutrient enrichment associated with efforts to improve productivity and profitability of agriculture. However, a community of practice of producers (self-styled regenerative…