An online training course has been developed to make it easy for beekeepers to find out how to care for honey bees, in accordance with the new Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice.
The Biosecurity for Beekeepers course explains why biosecurity is important, describes the main pest threats to bees and shows how to check hives for signs of pests and diseases. It’s designed for people with a basic understanding of beekeeping practices, but all beekeepers should find it helpful.
The course was developed by Plant Health Australia and the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council with funding from AgriFutures Australia.
What you will get from doing the course
After doing the course, you will be able to:
- Check your hives for pests and diseases
- Identify the major pests and diseases of honey bees
- Take action after finding a serious pest or disease in your hive
- Minimise the impact of pests and diseases on your hives
How to enrol
Once you are on the login page for the course, there are a few simple steps to enrol, and then you will be able to access and complete the course.
If you need more help, a step by step guide to get started is available in the Biosecurity for Beekeepers fact sheet.