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Beneficial arthropods in the farm landscape
This presentation was developed by Phil Bowden of MLi. The presentation covers the importance of beneficial insects and other invertebrates in farming systems. Included are photographs of common ‘good bugs’ for ease of identification, advice on how to encourage them, and where to go for more information or to purchase commercially-available species.
Community Champions of the Murrumbidgee region
Young people from three unique townships within the Murrumbidgee Council area have created this book over the last twelve months. Students from Darlington Point, Coleambally and Jerilderie connected with community members to increase their knowledge of their local area and build a higher level of appreciation for the place in which they live. The youth…
Cost of treeguard options
A summary of indicative prices of various tree guard options, including individual tree guards, groves and tree lines. A useful guide to help work out what will be the most cost-effective option when planning your revegetation works.
Fact Sheet 01: Preparing and Planting a Revegetation Site
This Fact Sheet explains the steps involved in planting a revegetation site, from ground preparation and weed control through to planting tips and follow-up care. Good preparation and management can help minimise seedling losses and encourage healthy plant growth.
Fact Sheet 02: Nest Boxes
This Fact Sheet explains why, where and how to install a nest box, along with details on monitoring and maintenance of nest boxes. Nest BoxesDownload
Fact Sheet 03: Planting in Bushfire Areas
This Fact Sheet provides suggestions for landscaping in bushfire areas, with reference to vegetation placement, continuity, maintenance and species selection.
Fact Sheet 04: Establishing a Shelter Belt on your Farm
This Fact Sheet describes the role and benefits of shelter belts, and provides information on various design considerations, including location, height, length, continuity, width and orientation.
Fact Sheet 05: Soil Biology
This Fact Sheet explains the beneficial role that soil organisms play; describes the key features of microflora, microfauna, macrofauna and mesofauna; and gives useful tips on how to encourage beneficial organisms in your soils.
Fact Sheet 06: Critical Threats to Native Vegetation
This Fact Sheet explains the key threats to native vegetation, and the actions landholders can take to help protect native vegetation on their own properties.
Fact Sheet 07: Propagating Native Seedlings
This Fact Sheet provides handy hints on seed collection and germination of various native plant species.
Fact Sheet 08: Creating a Healthy Farm Dam
This Fact Sheet provides information to help landholders transform an existing farm dam into a healthy ecosystem, with benefits for livestock and the local environment.
Fact Sheet 09: Paddock Trees
This Fact Sheet describes the importance of paddock trees, threats they face, and ways in which landholders can help protect paddock trees.
Fact Sheet 10: Flora and Fauna on Farms
This Fact Sheet summarises the findings and recommendations from a series of flora and fauna surveys conducted through Murrumbidgee Landcare’s Cross Property Project.
Fact Sheet 11: Frogs on Farms
This Fact Sheet describes some of the species of frogs found in the south-west slopes region, and the ways in which we can help protect their habitat.
Fact Sheet 12: Conserving Reptiles in Agricultural Landscapes
This Fact Sheet describes the results of recent research into the impact of tree plantings on native reptiles, and the importance of granite outcrops.
Fighting for Fungi!
A description of the important role fungi play in our native ecosystems, as well as information on foraging for fungi.
Flora and Fauna Surveys
In spring 2013, 30 flora and fauna surveys were conducted across 24 farms of land holder’s involved in the Cross Property Planning project. Dr Fiona Christie (University of Melbourne) was engaged to undertake formal bird surveys, while Alison Elvin (Natural Capital) was engaged to complete the flora surveys. The aim of the surveys was multi-purpose:…
How to make and use seed bombs
Seed bombs (or seed balls) are made from a mixture of clay, compost, seeds and water. The clay in the seed balls helps protect the seeds from being taken by predators, and also helps to retain moisture once it becomes wet by rain, which germinates the seeds. The compost supplies nutrients for the establishing plant.…
How to use a Remote Wildlife Camera
Remote cameras are a useful way of surveying animals which are typically hard to spot, and have the added advantage of minimal interference with the animal. This handy guide explains how to set up and use the cameras, as well as how to download your photographs. Murrumbidgee Landcare has two remote wildlife cameras which are available…
Local Landholder Case Studies
This book features 20 case studies on landholders who were involved in Murrumbidgee Landcare’s Cross Property project. Each landholder talks about their reasons for choosing to be involved in the project, the NRM work they have undertaken on their property, and their top tips for integrating conservation and biodiversity on their farms.
Low Cost Erosion Control: Case Studies in the Kyeamba Valley
Produced by Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group, through the project “Slow the Flow: Erosion Control in the Kyeamba Valley”, funded by the NSW Environmental Trust. This booklet gives a background to the history and process of erosion in the Kyeamba Valley, and provides ‘how-to’ guides for over ten low-cost erosion control structures which landholders can install…
MLi Forum 2011
Presentations from the MLi Forum, “Looking back, moving forward”, held on 26-27 October 2011 at Ladysmith, are available to download below. Groundwater Management and Salinity Control Carbon Sequestration and Management Preserving Biodiversity at the Landscape Level Progress in Natural Resource Management
MLi Forum 2012
Presentations from the MLi Forum, “Re-valuing our Rangelands”, held in Hay on 7-8 August 2012, are available below.
Native Seed Collection & Planting Guide
For the Kyeamba Valley region and surrounds Collecting and germinating local seed is a great way to grow plants for revegetation. It is also a rewarding and enjoyable activity! The information in this guide will give you some tips to get started. The guide includes a seed collection calendar, targeted at the Kyeamba Valley region.…
Pests in Cropping Systems
This presentation by Murrumbidgee Landcare’s Phil Bowden describes the good, the bad and the ugly of crop pests! Information is included on the life cycle of some key pests, the main causes of pest outbreaks, and some recent research on new ways to control pests.
Pop-up Grant Report: Dhangaang Bush Tucker Garden
Hay Public School, 2018 The students and teachers at Hay Public School used this grant to create a space where members of the school and the wider community can experience indigenous plants and culture. The name Dhangaang was chosen from the Wiradjuri language, and means food.
Pop-up Grant Report: Engaging the Next Generation
Petaurus Education Group, 2018 This project was aimed at commencing the establishment of a Junior Landcare program across the Riverina. A series of activities were held to connect primary and high school students on themes involving natural resource management, sustainable agricultural practices, biosecurity and cultural heritage understanding.
Pop-up Grant Report: Peppin-Shaw Ewe Flock Forum
This grant supported the Peppin-Shaw Ewe Flock Forum, a two-day event where Merino sheep breeders came together for a bus tour to visit properties in the Hay region. The tour was supported by a series of presentations from keynote speakers, with a focus on the topic of the potential uses of drones in pastoral regions…
Pop-up Grant Report: Raising the Profile of Landcare
Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare, 2017 Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare used this grant to purchase a range of promotional material for the group. The aim was to provide a platform to promote the good work undertaken by Landcare in the area, engage and educate the wider community, and encourage greater community participation in Landcare events.
Pop-up Grant Report: Tidy Trees Workshop
Hay Country Women’s Association, 2017 The Hay CWA organised this workshop with the aim of upskilling the community in the essentials of maintaining backyard trees through pruning, with a focus on both native and ornamental/fruit trees. The correct use and maintenance of equipment was covered, and the workshop also detailed appropriate control of fruit fly.
Pop-up Grant Report: Trial “Creative Catchment Kids” Program
Hay and Darlington Point Public Schools, 2018 This project involved students from the two schools visiting local farms in their regions to profile these farms in case studies highlighting the successful agricultural production and Landcare practices of local landholders. The finished case studies were made into books available to the school in hard copy, and…
Preparing for Bushfires
Bushfire Survival Checklist This handy one-page checklist, developed through Murrumbidgee Landcare’s Women on Fire project, lists the key actions to undertake before, during and after a bushfire emergency. Edit our basic checklist to produce your own, ready to stick on the fridge or some other prominent location! Useful Resources This flyer has links to to…
Revegetation and Regeneration at “Oakville”
In July 2021, Hay Plains Landcare hosted the third day in a series of four Seasons of Seed workshops: Direct seeding and planting, at Oakville, Conargo. This workshop allowed participants to observe the benefits of native vegetation and habitat corridors for production and conservation. Participants learnt the different methods of direct seeding and planting, with…
Revegetation Guide for Hay and surrounds
This comprehensive guide covers all you need to know about revegetation in the Hay region and surrounds! Topics covered include: The native plants and plant communities found in the Hay region Preparing and planting a revegetation site Seed collection calendar Seed collection and treatment Direct seeding Weed management Download here – Revegetation Guide for Hay…
Silverleaf Nightshade – Best Practice Management Manual
This manual aims to provide a comprehensive reference for silverleaf nightshade management in Australia. Sections 1 and 2 provide summary and background information. Section 3 provides practical and specific management advice for a range of situations. Parts of Section 3 may be combined by managers to construct a customised plan for their individual situation. Section…
Streambank Erosion
About 60 people attended the Streambank Erosion Workshop held in Tarcutta on 12th September. Hosted by Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc in partnership with Tarcutta Valley and Kyeamba Valley Landcare Groups, the aim of the workshop was to provide landholders with a range of ideas and practical solutions and for dealing with streambank erosion. Engineering Solutions for…
Swift Parrots: Conservation of a precious species
This article describes these important but threatened birds, including how to identify them, where they live, and how to help conserve them.
Threatened Species of the Riverina Education Program
Education Package Endangered Western Riverina Birds Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc with the support of Riverina Local Land Services offer this education package of Endangered Riverina Birds. Overview Schools can find out about the Threatened Riverina Bird education package via the Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc Website. They can access resources about 3 Threatened Bird species…
Using Photopoints for Monitoring
This brochure provides a description of how to set up a photopoint site, to take repeated photo’s over time as a way of monitoring changes to your site. Produced through the Monaro Landscape Connectivity project.
Wah Wah wildlife: From tanks to troughs
Recovering water for the environment and improving efficiency of water use are critical in the Riverina, but what about the wildlife that have come to rely on the systems of old? In 2011, the Wah Wah Stock and Domestic Pipeline project was confirmed. This converted an extensive channel system north of Hay to reduce water…
Yanco Biodiversity Field Day
Together with the Biodiversity Conservation Trust, Murrumbidgee Landcare recently held a BioBlitz with students from Yanco Public School. The children learnt about native birds, vegetation, habitat and other fauna in and around the wetland located near the school. This field day was funded through the “Partnering in Private Land Conservation” project, funded by the…
Zara Conservation Sandhill
In December 2020, Hay Plains Landcare Group hosted a field trip to the renowned Zara Conservation Sandhill. The event was led by Martin Driver, an Ecologist and Project Manager with the Australian Network for Plant Conservation and owner of Conargo property “Barabool”. The field trip provided information on native plant management and identification, promoted the…
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Identification of native pasture species
This video was taken on a 400ha property in the Neville NSW area. This property is found on undulating country with a maximum elevation of 960m and a normal annual rainfall of 800mm. The main soil types found in the area are red earths, yellow earths, yellow soloths/yellow podzolic soil intergrades, and red and yellow…
Revegetation and Regeneration at “Oakville”
In July 2021, Hay Plains Landcare hosted the third day in a series of four Seasons of Seed workshops: Direct seeding and planting, at Oakville, Conargo. This workshop allowed participants to observe the benefits of native vegetation and habitat corridors for production and conservation. Participants learnt the different methods of direct seeding and planting, with…
Zara Conservation Sandhill
In December 2020, Hay Plains Landcare Group hosted a field trip to the renowned Zara Conservation Sandhill. The event was led by Martin Driver, an Ecologist and Project Manager with the Australian Network for Plant Conservation and owner of Conargo property “Barabool”. The field trip provided information on native plant management and identification, promoted the…
After fire comes recovery: Life in a farm dam
In January 2020, much of Batlow and surrounding areas were badly burnt. This included the farm of David Waters, our Local Landcare Coordinator for Bidgee South. Heavy rain followed on the bare, burnt earth, and Dave was worried that his dam – and the family of platypus that lived there – would suffer. But the…
Landcare and Gotcha4Life: New video
Gotcha4Life’s founder and chairman Gus Worland and CEO Tim Hodgson speak with Landcare NSW CEO Dr Adrian Zammit and our very own Regional Landcare Coordinator, Nicole Maher, about the new partnership between the two organisations to build rural mental fitness. The conversation is particularly timely with suicide rates expected to increase in regional areas and…
Why does my hamburger taste SO good?
The South Wagga Public School Drama Llamas are an extra-curricular group of budding actors, writers and directors (and the occasional drama-queen) that meets weekly to satisfy their dramatic urges. With little Landcare experience, but oodles of enthusiasm, nine Drama Llamas and their intrepid leader, Tim Harris, rushed at the opportunity to work on the Landcare…
Champions of Change: Farmers and their Paddock Trees
2016 Funded by NSW Environmental Trust Murrumbidgee Landcare has launched a new video featuring some of the inspiring work being done by farmers to arrest the decline in paddock trees and nurture future generations. The humble paddock tree is a familiar sight across the farming landscape. Often hundreds of years in age, these landscape giants…
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“Get Australia Growing” report, National Farmers Federation
The economic crisis caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted enormous damage on Australia’s economy. Agriculture and regional Australia have a critical role to play in restoring Australia’s prosperity, and the National Farmers Federation (NFF) is recommending simple steps that government can take to get Australia growing. Get Australia Growing was created by the NFF…
“Hop into frogs” teaching resource
Hop into Frogs has been created by Corowa District Landcare for students and educators in the Corowa region to support frog-related learning opportunities and experiences in schools. It is tailored to the local environment and local frog populations. Hop into Frogs provides students with a real-life application while encouraging the exploration of wider environmental issues…
15 Ways to Help Wildlife, by WIRES
WIRES (NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service) has been rescuing and caring for native animals for over 30 years, assisting tens of thousands of native animals every year.This book invites interested community members to explore some of the many easy ways you can help wildlife. It is the hope of WIRES that every Australian…
A History of Landcare NSW
This report documents the history of Landcare NSW since its formation in 2007. A professional historian, Virginia Macleod, was engaged to undertake research and with input from staff and volunteers of Landcare NSW.The book contains the observations and stories of a number of people involved in the formative years of Landcare NSW, with the hope…
Aboriginal cultures: Sharing, connecting and practising
ABC Education, in partnership with Nalderun, have created this digibook celebrating the resilience of Aboriginal Australian cultures, which are believed to be the oldest continuous living cultures on Earth. The colonisation of Australia led to many Aboriginal people being forcibly removed from their land and denied the opportunity to practise their cultures. But Aboriginal cultural…
ANU Sustainable Farms – Podcasts
Sustainable Farms has a program of podcasts featuring short, engaging chats about the research being conducted by the team. Episode One: Talking about Sustainable Farms (Michelle Young). Director of Sustainable Farms, Michelle Young, talks about why the project has been established and its key goals and activities Episode Two: Talking about Farm Dams (David Lindenmayer).…
Benchmark Study of Innovators
This report provides the results of comparisons between 10 grazing innovators and more conventional neighbours from properties across three catchments in NSW – the Murrumbidgee, Lachlan and Central West. The innovators selected had practiced rotational grazing for more than 5 years, while the comparisons were made across fence lines to the paddock on a neighbour’s…
Biodiversity in the Paddock
A land manager’s guide, highlighting the value and role of native pastures for commercial production, and in maintaining native biodiversity and healthy landscapes. Produced by the Future Farm Industries CRC, 22 pages
Birds of Box Gum Grassy Woodlands
This video series features information, pictures and calls of a range of native bird species found in different habitat elements of the Box Gum Grassy Woodlands of our region. Produced through the Communities in Landscapes project, Ground Dwellers (8 minutes) Shrub Dwellers (7 minutes) Hollow Nesters (10 minutes) Canopy Dwellers (24 minutes)
Change in the air: Defining the need for an Australian agricultural climate change strategy
This report highlights the serious threat which climate change represents to the viability of Australian agriculture. The authors stress the need for a successful national strategy for climate change and Australian agriculture, which must be underpinned by research, development and extension to enable systemic adaptation and identify the priority gaps where action and strategic policy…
Checking for Change
This practical guide provides landholders and project managers with helpful techniques to check whether sites newly managed for conservation are on track to improve. The key to the techniques outlined in the guide is a shift in perspective from looking up at the trees, to looking down to the soils, grasses and wildflowers in the…
Collecting and caring for seed from Australian native plants
The reintroduction of species into the landscape relies on seed collection for plant propagation and direct seeding. Rivers of Carbon and Greening Australia have worked together to put together this handy guide based on their Florabank Program, covering things you need to think about when collecting, propagating and storing native seed. View the guide online,…
Conservation Management Notes
These short, informative guides are for landholders interested in learning about the habitat on their properties. Produced by the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage, 4 pages each Seed Collecting describes the steps in collecting, cleaning and storing seed, as well as tips for ethical and sustainable collection. Assessing Wildlife Habitat describes key habitat features…
Conservation of Woodland Birds
This attractive brochure describes the species of birds typically found in different habitat elements of Box Gum Grassy Woodlands, including hollow nesters, ground dwellers, shrub dwellers and canopy dwellers. It includes useful photographs to assist with identification. Produced by the Grassy Box Woodland Conservation Management Network, 2 pages
Creating a Frog-Friendly Habitat
This guide takes landholders through the steps of creating habitat for frogs. It includes structural aspects of pond and non-pond habitats, and useful plant species lists. It is useful for rural property owners, and also schools and urban residents. Produced by ACT Frogwatch, 8 pages
Cultural burning as an agent of renewal
By Gib Wettenhall. Reproduced with permission from em Press Publishing. Aboriginal mosaic burning once patterned the entire continent, as vital, intricate and connected as the scales on a crocodile’s back or the feathers on an eagle’s wing. At a traditional Aboriginal-style mosaic burn in autumn last year, 30 of us were counter-intuitively removing logs and large sticks within…
Dispersive Soils and their Management
This detailed manual explains how to identify dispersive soils, outlines erosion issues commonly associated with dispersive soils, describes how to minimise erosion risk in areas with dispersive soils, and also talks about erosion repair. Produced by the TAS Department of Primary Industries, 40 pages
Do you know your night birds?
Nocturnal birds are elusive, mysterious and often less well understood than their day-active cousins. They are essential regulators of food webs as predators of mammals, birds, frogs and invertebrates. Adaptations to nocturnal life such as exceptional eyesight, hearing and a good sense of smell, give this special group of birds unparalleled hunting prowess. A fantastic…
Economic Benefits of Native Shelter Belts
A summary of the benefits of native shelter belts for agricultural productivity, biosecurity, landscape and land value. Produced by the Basalt to Bay Landcare Network , 10 pages
ErinEarth School Vegie Patch Guide
Produced by Erin Earth, 5 pages This handy guide describes the activities associated with the vegetable garden at Erin Earth in Wagga. The ErinEarth vegetable patch is based on permaculture principles of no dig, with only a fork being used to loosen soil and incorporate fertiliser, without turning the soil. This allows microorganisms to flourish…
Erosion Control Field Guide
This helpful guide covers several low-cost erosion control structures, including one rock dams, rock mulch rundowns, Zuni bowls and media luna structures. Produced by the Quivira Coalition (USA), 10 pages
Erosion Repair Factsheets
These guidelines help landholders identify the causes of, and design solutions to, gully erosion and streambank erosion on their properties. Produced by SEQ Catchments Members Association Inc, 4 pages
Farm Dam Handbook
An excellent booklet describing the key features of farm dams, and how best to manage the different zones in terms of livestock impacts, water quality, vegetation and native wildlife. Produced by the Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority, 44 pages
Farm Profitability and Biodiversity: Graziers with better profitability, biodiversity and wellbeing
Produced through the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program, 91 pages The box gum grassy woodlands ecological community has declined by approximately 92% from their natural extent, largely due to decades of clearing and nutrient enrichment associated with efforts to improve productivity and profitability of agriculture. However, a community of practice of producers (self-styled regenerative…
Fenced but not forgotten: A guide to the ongoing management of conservation areas
Central West LLS, 56 pages The first step to conserving native vegetation and habitat is often to fence off the vegetation so that the area can be managed as a separate unit and grazing can be controlled. While protective fencing is important, it is not a simple case of ‘fence and forget’. Having a fence…
Getting Started in Social Media
This manual is a guide for members of the Landcare community who are either thinking about starting to use social media, or who have been using it for a while but would like to learn more. It covers the key platforms of Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Produced by Landcare Australia, 23 pages
Grasslands and Grassy Woodlands of the ACT and NSW
This beautiful poster shows lovely illustrations of a selection of bird and plant species found in the grasslands and grassy woodlands of the ACT and NSW. On the reverse side is information about the woodlands, and details of each of the species represented in the poster. Produced by the NSW Department of Environment and Education,…
Grassy Box Woodlands – Videos
These videos were originally available through the Grassy Box Woodlands Conservation Management Network site. Web of Life – Biodiversity for Kids Web of Life was awarded a Special Prize in 2002 at the prestigious Sondrio Film Festival in Italy for showing the relationship between humans and nature. Web of Life documents the diverse and rich…
Groundwork and the nature of organising: A practice guide
Written by James Ede and Rowan Simonsen, 34 pages A new resource is available on ‘Groundwork and the Nature of Organising – a Practice Guide’. The principle of Groundwork Practice is applicable to Landcare at all levels when seeking collaboration and establishing projects including on-ground projects and designing the new coordinator program. Groundwork is setting…
Guide to Managing Box Gum Grassy Woodlands
This is an excellent resource, providing a comprehensive coverage of Box Gum Grassy Woodlands and their management. The book is clearly laid out to enable landholders to go directly to sections of interest, or to target areas of concern for your property management. Produced by the Australian Government’s Caring For Our Country Program, 156 pages
Guide to Successful Grant Writing
A guide to help you understand the process and jargon associated with applying for funding assistance. Developed by RDA Australia, 15 pages
Gully Erosion Assessment and Control Guide
South East Local Land Services, 36 pages This guide is designed to help landholders understand the basics of gully erosion and its control. The guide steps readers through the process of identifying if a gully is actively eroding and the severity of the erosion, and discusses common management options. The management options provided address existing…
Healthy Soils
This fact sheet series describes the basics and benefits of soil health. Farming using soil health principles and systems, such as no-till, cover cropping and diverse rotations, can help to increase soil organic matter and improve microbial activity. Results can include sequestering more carbon, increasing water infiltration and improving pollinator habitat – in addition to…
Indigenous (Wurundjeri) Plant Use
Produced by the Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub, The University of Melbourne, 44 pages This booklet contains information about indigenous plant use, including the medicinal, nutritional and technological use of plants (such as traps, nets and weapons) developed over many, many millennia by Australia’s First Peoples. Where possible, information is also included about the…
Jewels in the Landscape
A guide to managing very high conservation value ground‑layers in Box Gum Grassy Woodlands. Produced by CSIRO, 52 pages
Junior Landcare Curriculum Teaching Resources
Junior Landcare has created a number of educational resources to encourage young people to participate in Landcare activities and build a closer connection with the land. These teaching resources are all aligned to support the Australian Curriculum. More information is available on the Junior Landcare website. How To Guides These guides are designed to provide teachers…
Kinking and J-rooting in Eucalyptus root-stock
Discussion paper by John Baker, Hovells Creek Landcare Group Hovells Creek Landcare Group (HCLG) has been implementing a NSW Environmental Trust-funded paddock tree project in recent years, which has seen the Group plant more than 2,000 paddock trees. The Group’s Deputy Chair, John Baker, has been managing the project and in addition to producing five…
Land and Soil Capability
A useful guide to classifying land and soil capability on your property, with tips on how best to manage your landscape in respect of these classifications. Produced by the Central West CMA, 36 pages
Landcare in your School
A teacher’s guide to incorporating Landcare into schools, with ideas for actively engaging students not only in learning about the environment, but seeing environmental issues face to face, and participating first hand in its protection and enhancement. Produced by the Hawkesbury-Nepean CMA and Greening Australia, 148 pages
Landcare NSW Annual Report 2018/19
Landcare NSW released its 2018/19 Annual Report at its AGM in late November 2019. The full Annual Report can be read here, covering the achievements of the organisation and the Landcare community over the past year. Below is the Chair’s Report, by Stephanie Cameron. Chairs Report and Introduction by Stephanie Cameron: 2019 marked 30 years…
Landcare NSW Strategic Plan 2021-2022
The Landcare NSW Strategic Plan 2021-2022 has been developed in consultation with the NSW Landcare community, with input and guidance from Landcare NSW Musters, Landcare NSW Council, Executive Committee and staff. Read the full Strategic Plan here. Landcare NSW is the peak body for community Landcare in NSW, representing the interests of around 60,000 Landcarers and approximately…
Life in a Woodland Tree
This beautiful poster describes the many native animals which utilise the various parts of mature woodland trees, including the canopy, flowers, hollows, bark and fallen timber. Further information is available on the associated pages of the ANU Fenner School website. Produced by the ANU Fenner School, 1 page
MIA Native Plant Communities
An information guide to the major native plant communities of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area. Produced by Murrumbidgee Irrigation, 2 pages
Native Bee Hotels
A simple guide to building a bee hotel, to provide alternative nesting sites for bees in areas where habitat is lacking. Plus the added bonus that they’re fun to make and add a quirky feature to your garden! Produced by Narrandera Landcare Food Garden, 4 pages
Native seed collection: Field data sheet
When collecting native seeds, it is important to record as much information as you can, especially if you wish to sell the seed, or store for long periods of time. This Field Data Sheet is a handy resource to record all the important information for each species you collect during a seed collection activity.
Nest Boxes for Natives
This information sheet describes the importance of tree hollows to provide shelter for native birds and animals. It then outlines the role of nest boxes, and their recommended design and placement. Produced by Birds Australia, 6 pages
New article on the history, distribution and drivers of loss of the NSW TSR network
A new article by Peter Spooner and colleagues at Charles Sturt University, titled “The New South Wales Travelling Stock Route and Reserve (TSR) network: Historical extent, spatial distribution and drivers of loss 1884–2017”, has been published in the Australian Geographer journal. The paper documents the original extent of the New South Wales TSR network and changes during…
Parrots of the lower Lachlan Valley
A fantastic new resource on the Glossy Black Cockatoo, Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo and Turquoise Parrot has been released by Lachlan Fold Wildlife Action Group. The resource includes an education package for teachers (NSW Stages 1 to 3), fact sheets on the three parrot species and an online presentation that includes audio, video and an interactive…
Planting your patch: A guide to revegetation on your property
Local Land Services (2016), 52 pages This guide covers the process of planning, planting and maintaining a revegetation site on your property. It includes details on site selection and design, species selection, planting methods, ground preparation, watering and weed management .
Planting your patch: Guide to revegetation on your property
Revegetation is a valuable and rewarding way to increase native vegetation and replace some habitat features on your property, when natural regeneration is not effective. It can also improve the aesthetics and, in some cases, the productivity of a property. However, revegetation is expensive, generally costing around $2,500 per hectare to plant and fence a…
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Case Study 4-9: Great Southern BioBlitz
Communities engaging in citizen science face several challenges, including citizen science initiatives not being readily available or promoted, funding constraints, and the ability to continue contributing after one – off events are finalised. Limited access to technology and resources can hinder effective communication and engagement, making it challenging to sustain long-term participation and collaboration. Murrumbidgee…
Case Study 4-4: Tools and technology
Effective communication is vital to ensuring our community understands the work we do as Landcare and have the opportunity to engage in our projects and events. Often seen as ‘behind the scenes’ work, effective communication is central to every Landcare project mission to engage the community. But how do you produce communication products which provide…
Case Study 3-9: Cultural Connections in Conservation
A field day at ‘Allandale’ in Narrandera, exploring the connection between Cultural heritage and biodiversity conservation. The issue Cultural connections in Australian conservation face several challenges, including the difficulty of mainstream society recognising intangible Cultural resources and integrating traditional ecological knowledge into mainstream frameworks. Systemic barriers, such as historical disconnection from policy and…
Case Study 3-6: Engaging Year 8 in Caring for Country
Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc and Nari Nari Tribal Council facilitated a Caring for Country Day for year eight students at Hay War Memorial High School The issue Many Year 8 students feel disconnected and seek ways to contribute and feel like they belong in society. Year 8 Hay War Memorial High School Science Teacher Miss…
Case Study 3-4: Growing Green Leaders
Engaging Temora Youth Group for tomorrows Landcare A continuous question at each Landcare gathering is, “How do we engage more young people to join Landcare?” Youth are vital to Landcare, bringing fresh ideas, energy, and enthusiasm. They provide balance to the group dynamic and ensure long-term succession. However, with commitments such as education and…
Case Study 3-3: On-farm bush bonanza in Lockhart
Steve and Cheryl Mathews have a property with a good creek line through it, but unfortunately the creek often overflowed and caused erosion and flooding. The Matthews’ received a grant from the then Catchment Management Authority (now Local Land Services) for 12km of fencing along the creek line in 2009. Where possible the area was…
Case Study 3-2: Journeying together to Acknowledge Country and People
Landcare groups often find themselves uncertain about how to approach an Acknowledgment of Country. Many worry that without a deep understanding of First Nations Culture, their Acknowledgment might feel tokenistic or just a formality. This was a concern for Coolamon Landcare. They didn’t want their Acknowledgment to be just a statement , they wanted it…
Case Study 3-1: Taking steps towards more inclusive workshops
In recent years, Murrumbidgee Landcare have commenced a program of school holiday workshops, providing fun activities to connect local school-aged children with Landcare and nature. While the workshops were a great success, they really did not provide the right environment for my autistic son. Being in a noisy and busy environment, with large numbers of…
Case Study 2-9: Farmers are working together to repair Yarran Creek in Grong Grong
Yarran Creek has been identified as a waterway in need of environmental restoration. The creek plays a vital role in the local ecosystem and provides habitat for various native species. However, years of agricultural practices on surrounding land, and unrestricted livestock access have led to the degradation of the creek’s banks and surrounding vegetation. Multiple…
Case Study 2-8: Fire Management & Weed Identification in the Tarcutta Hills
Building knowledge around fire management techniques and weed identification for local landholders in the Tarcutta Valley and Kyeamba Valley Landcare Groups The issue The Tarcutta Hills Reserve is a 738-hectare Reserve on the lower western slopes of the Great Dividing Range in central west New South Wales. This Grassy White Box Woodland is…
Case Study 2-6: “Dirt Eats Too” Waste Management and Soil Conservation Program
Cultivating a strong sense of environmental responsibility, experiencing a connection to nature and instilling values of stewardship early in children’s lives is as important for people’s wellbeing as it is for healthy ecosystems. Hay Plains Landcare is committed to teaching the next generation and through a successful Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant Application, have been able…
Case Study 2-4: Discovering Wildflowers and Orchids
A Communities Journey to Hidden Roadside Gems Roadside vegetation is invaluable for preserving landscape connectivity, local endemic species and serving as wildlife refuges. However, these seemingly ordinary stretches of land are often overlooked, neglected and unexplored. Further undervalued elements to roadside vegetation are our observations and memory as we travel by. Subconsciously, people begin…
Case Study 2-3: Love where you live stories
People who restore and nurture landscapes to save species In the world in which we live there is little time for deeper learning unless of course you’re doing some formal learning. Some of us just like to hear authentic stories about what other real people do with their lives to improve the environment. Unfortunately,…
Case Study 2-2: Creating safer environments through fire planning in Old Junee
In the years leading up to the devastating 2019-2020 fires , the communities around Junee, Wagga Wagga, and Coolamon had already faced several large-scale fire events. Despite this history, there was a noticeable gap in how prepared residents felt. Many people knew the risks but still lacked the comprehensive fire plans and knowledge needed to…
Case Study 2-1: Bringing together kids, birds and art
Home schooling is a growing solution for children who are not happy or comfortable in a traditional school setting. One of the key concerns for parents and carers who may be thinking about home schooling their children is often related to the social networks and peer friendships which children have the opportunity to develop at…
Case Study 1-9: An Autumn workshop on flood preparedness and bank stabilisation
Narrandera has faced significant challenges due to severe flooding, particularly the events of August and September 2022, where the flood reached the major height category, peaking at 8.495m. The highest flood recorded is 8.996m in 1974, followed by 8.989m in 2012. The flooding in Narrandera caused extensive damage to infrastructure, farmlands and residential properties. The…
Case Study 1-8 – Passing on the flame of Cultural knowledge through intergenerational education
Education access for Cultural burn and awareness has many restrictions, particularly the available location to undertake a Cultural burn. There is a lack of educational resources and opportunities for youth to learn about Cultural burning and First Nations ecological practices. Whilst some curriculum resources touch on these topics in the classroom, there is a need…
Case Study 1-7 – School holiday seed bomb making workshop
It is known that there is a gap in knowledge and local engagement between our long-term volunteers and the younger generations within the community. Opportunities to pass down knowledge and skills are often few and far between and require external facilitation. Without this imparting of skill and experience, the knowledge of native plant propagation and…
Case Study 1-6 – Hay’s Women of the Riverina Forum
Society needs to be reminded that agriculture has been heavily dependent on women for centuries. Women have only been able to be legally recognised as “farmers” since 1994 and the embedded policy, workplace, flexibility and attitudinal issues in Australian agriculture need to be addressed by leaders in the field to create practical changes in the…
Case Study 1-5 – Building a resilient farming community in Young
Farmers in Young lack a local community group to discuss sustainable grazing, mental health, and general farming practices, making regular participation in the distant Boorowa group challenging. Richard Paige, Chair of the Young District Landcare Group, saw the need for a local group to address these issues and foster community support. Richard recognized the need for…
Case Study 1-4 – Cultivating environmental leadership: Lake Cowal Careers Day
As senior high school students start out on their career journey, it can be difficult for them to discern the expanse of opportunities available within industries such as agriculture and environmental science without proper exposure and guidance. This is particularly so in our remote and small town communities. Many rewarding and fulfilling career paths exist…
Case Study 1-3 – Celebrating wonderful women at work
Women in agriculture and environmental pursuits have often been underrepresented. Celebrating their resilience, strength and achievements across the Murrumbidgee region is important to show that women can ‘lead the way’. Hay Plains Landcare along with Riverina Local Land Services organised a “Women of the Riverina Landcare Conference” in Hay to celebrate NSW Women’s week for…
Case study 1-2 – Kids learning and restoring wetlands
Wetlands are crucial ecosystems that support a diverse range of animals, plants, and insects. However, they are often threatened by human activities and environmental changes. Educating young people about the significance of wetlands and involving them in conservation efforts is essential for long-term environmental stewardship and protection. To address wetland conservation, Coolamon Landcare organized a…
Case Study 1-1 – Landcare and Council: It works well in Wagga!
Establishing and maintaining a partnership with Council, businesses and community groups can be of great benefit to a local Landcare group. Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare and Wagga Wagga City Council run several events each year in partnership, allowing us to share the tasks associated with organisation, promotion and delivery, and resulting in activities which have…