MFN 2025 Environmental Grants

Close 1 May 2025 The Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists (MFN) are calling for applications for their 2025 Environmental Fund Grants. Grants of up to $5,000 will be considered to assist with conservation in general, environmental education, increasing biodiversity or enhancing the understanding of the natural environment within the Murrumbidgee Valley. MFN are a local organisation with…

Help our threatened species from your home!

You can help conserve our threatened species by tagging images taken by scientists in the field! To monitor difficult to find threatened species across NSW’s vast environment, scientists from the Saving our Species (SoS) program use motion-triggered cameras to capture the presence, number and activity of these threatened species. Once the cameras detect movement they take a…

Superb Parrot habitat restoration

Under this Greening Australia project, assistance is available for landholders who wish to direct seed or plant trees and shrubs, or erect fencing to protect or restore Yellow Box, White Pine or Grey Box woodland habitat, for the Superb Parrot. Plantings must be within 30 km of the Murrumbidgee River, with the regions of Narrandera,…

Support for waterway projects

OzFish are calling for Expressions of Interest from Landcare groups in NSW who are keen to work with OzFish on projects involving local waterways, water quality and fish habitats. Projects could include fish hotels, re-snagging, riparian vegetation, vegetative filter strips, litter clean ups, fish habitat mapping, removing in-stream barriers, pump-screening, stock fencing and troughs, and more!…